Sorry to hear of your predicament.
I agree with Jack (as usual) in that it may not be such a good idea to put you family on a small boat (assuming you can find one) as the environment will be very different from what they are used to, unless they have done some sailing of course.
To be honest with you, going via Europe is out (and that includes the canaries and Madeira) as a Schengen visa is needed, except for the UK but they have their own rules and are usually just as strict. Having said that, if your family are just in transit at for example Heathrow they will not need a UK visa as they will not enter the country. They will be required to show through tickets to their final destination at the airport where the journey begins.
If you can not route them via the UK or Europe what about another African country? I know that that will probably be difficult. WHen I flew from Windhoek to banjul a few years ago the easiest route wes via Johannesburg and Paris! But it is worth a try in a desperate situation. There are flights from Johannesburg to South American destinations. Maybe you can route your family from Dakar to Jo'burg, Rio and then northwards? Expensive? yes, but in dire straits then we pay up.
Good luck with it. I hope you find a solution.