02-19-2008, 10:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 4
Please be kind to me gentle sirs, I have had the misfortune of growing-up not on the sea but in a desert; tho the sea was always much in my heart. I think of how much opportunity I had to have sailing experience that I had passed-up looking back I do not know why...for instance schools at sea.
Though I have a lot of "book smarts" I have little practical experience compared to some friends of mine but this does not preclude me from wanting to buy a ship and gain experience over time. I am in my mid-20s and in this life-changing route I have time to learn please do not assume I am someone who would do something stupid or irrationaly.
I simply mention all this because I would like opinions and input from experienced individuals without all the mumbo-jumbo I usually receive from people when I mention I want to learn something knew (like diving or spelunking both of which I received more criticism than help from experienced individuals who thought somehow they were born knowing how to do those things...).
Anyway; so with that little introduction hello...and my question is fairly broad but quite plainly I can take a lot of concise information in at once.
I do want to buy a ship; and when asking friends what constitutes an ocean worthy ship the general consensus is quite a lot of range but for myself I look generally towards schooners, ketches, or possibly a gulet. Why? I'll be frank - I like the way they look. I don't mean that in a child-like way I mean that in an aesthetic quality type of way...they're sleek, utilitarian, but beautiful ships. And the other blunt reason is I find more affordable ships in the lengths//crew requirements I want - in those types.
The problem I have is in some cases these things seem too good to be true...I have found on yacht buying "classifieds" etc. ships that range from millions to $150,000 tax paid etc.
And I frankly have a problem with that because the natural question is ... why is that one so cheap?
What are the things about that ship I should know that it is $150,000 while another of the same type, may be going for $3,000,000 USD?
So thank you for any input you may have, even if it has nothing specifically to do with any class of ship or boat but just in the practicality of buying such a thing - because I frankly view this purchase the way I would view buying a house....
I and my friends intend to invest a lot of time aboard the ship, not to just have day-sails....which is why I push for a bit larger than a 50footer.
If anyone would like to begin discussing with me some things you feel I should know about sailing feel free..private messages or emails etc. I intend to float around the forums and find subjects or create subjects on the matter of sailing as well...because I have some time before I'll have any time to spend at sea - so I have some time to get some more book smarts before taking lessons, or getting schooled by friends and I am looking for all the information I can about all angles.
02-19-2008, 11:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 4
Other considerations: First thanks for taking the time to read this.
I realize that it would be constricting to say I want "specifically this" after all I have seen 65' cutter that looks absolutely marvelous and manageable etc. etc.
So - there's a lot of options and I'm looking for advice in how to weed out possibilities, keep a good price but at the same time - not be swindled
02-20-2008, 02:47 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 3,067
Welcome to the forum,
It look likes you will have an interesting time in realizing your dreams.
It could be helpful if some very basic criteria are taken on board - ie :- is it a ship as opposed to a sailing or a motor boat ? the difference is simply defined with a very simple definition = Boats can be carried on a ship, can be lowered from a ship.
What funds are available to buy a dream and even more important to maintain that dream ?
Where will the skills be acquired to enjoy the dream ?
All the best.
02-20-2008, 03:52 PM
Rear Admiral
Join Date: Mar 2007
Home Port: Hamburg
Vessel Name: Aquaria
Posts: 281
Reading your lines it seems that you are at the beginning of gaining experience and that you are joining the scene of sailing on a rather high level (out of my 32ft-boat dimension) concerning the size of boat and the amount of money you will put into your dream.
And once the basic criteria are clear and you have taken a yacht in serious concideration it can't be a mistake to refer to an independent surveyer that will tell if it is a good choice and worth its money or not, or who can tell what work has to be done so that the boat will meet the expectations you have. This survey might cost a little fortune, but in relation to the amount the whole project might cost, it can be a good investment!
And no fast decisions!
Take care
 : Germany, Background, Cruising/Sailing the German Bight
02-20-2008, 06:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Home Port: Who cares really...
Vessel Name: T
Posts: 1,215
Welcome aboard! You will find this board to be extremely helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.
Like you, at age 20, I jumped right into sailing with a large vessel...a CSY-44. I learned fast and broke a few things along the way. Every lesson I received came at exceptional cost relative to my income at the time. Even so, I wouldn't have done it any other way.
You have the fortunate advantage of the internet to learn from and do so much faster than those of just a decade ago. As far aesthetics of the schooner and ketch, I couldn't agree with you more. One must fall in love with a boat to be the proper owner and looks help tremendously in this regard…especially when you are shelling-out $1000s each week on refit and maintenance.
As Richard stated above, the best place to start this discussion is with your budget…how much do you want to spend to purchase your dream, how much work are you willing to invest to make it your perfect dream, and how much can you afford for maintenance on a monthly basis?
Your budget can be a "dream" as well if this helps with your research
02-20-2008, 07:10 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,098
I want to buy an automobile. I don't know how to drive, I don't have a driver's license, I have never been on any vehicle larger than a 3-speed bicycle. What is the best car for me to buy?
You need to get a lot more knowledge before it is possible to consider providing you with any answers to legitimate, specific questions. However, here's a hint, carrying the automobile analogy further.
The price of a vehicle, be it car, airplane, dinghy, boat, or ship, is variable depending upon, in relative order of importance, from greatest to least:
1. Its age
2. Its size
3. Its make
4. Its condition and level of maintenance and repair ("beater" car has its cousin in a "beater" boat)
5. The material from which it is built
With boats, whether a sailboat or a powerboat is another determination of price and value and suitability.
Its suitability is also variable, depending upon:
1. owner's pocketbook
2. Owner's level of experience
3. The use to which it will be put
a. Will you be running the boat by yourself?
b. Will you be hiring a captain and crew?
c. Where will you travel on the boat?
d. Will it be used commercially, to carry cargo or passengers
BUT. First, you need to educate yourself a lot more, because nothing anybody says to you right now will have much meaning.
My husband would say that I should buy a Lotus, Jaguar, or Ferrarri. He might suggest that a Swan, Hallberg-Rassey, or Direktor yacht was the right choice for you.
There are far more than 100 makes of boat, with untold numbers of models within any make. It's not possible to even consider discussing any of this with somebody who hasn't the basic knowledge to benefit from the discussion.
Ask me if I prefer and Jeanneau or Beneteau. A Pacific Seacraft or a Swan. Does it mean anything to you? I doubt it.
Do your homework. Read magazines: Sail, Cruising World, Yachting, whatever. Learn about boats, and the people who go out on them. Read about the good experiences, the disasters, the tragedies. Then, and only then, might you have enough information to ask a reasonable question and receive an understandable answer.
Fair winds,
02-20-2008, 08:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 2
I think that research research research is definitely the way to go. Buying a boat is a very personal decision, and even the one you end up with you will undoubtedly customize in various ways.
Besides reading about and talking to people, another great way to get a feel for a boat is to go to a boat show. Or contact dealers to get on the boats you are interested in.
Good luck!
03-05-2008, 06:42 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 48
Along the same lines, let me put it simpler. You need to go get on some boats. Sail some, motor some, try some out, mono's , cats..sloops, ketches, and a schooner if you can find one. Lot's of "string" to play with on a schooner, more than you'll probably want in a storm  but hey, I happen to like schooners myself  go figure. In any event, do some chartering, try out these boats. Sailing/boating is not a sport in which you buy your equipment FIRST  ,,, you try on lots of other people's "stuff" first, then choose what you like. Good luck.
Oh, as to difference in price, there are several factors..1. construction....cheap is deadly in boating...if you're going offshore, get a boat built by someone knowing what the heck he's doing, 2. age...seawater is corrosive, it tears things up, the longer time of exposure, more destruction..older boat will be substantially less than a new HOWEVER... if you choose "well" it is possible to get a WELL BUILT older boat and bring it back to like new condition for something less than half the money, especially in the current market. 3. Location: The US "Peso" is getting killed in the world market, therefore there are some extraordinary deals on US boats for overseas boaters/sailors. If you look in Florida, you can make the deal of a lifetime, then hit some of the best cruising grounds in the entire world right in the vicinity.
But still, go sailing/boating a bunch first  then you won't finding yourself wanting a different boats six weeks after you launch
03-06-2008, 03:43 PM
Rear Admiral
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 396
Not everyone survives jumping into the water headfirst such as Trim did. You should do some homework, and get on boats as has already been typed. NEVER, I mean NEVER let anyone talk you out of a dream. Dreams are what got Columbus across the Atlantic. Put man on the moon, and the list is huge. No matter if you plunge in head first, or just stick your little toe in the water to test it. Best wishes in finding what you want. Always remember that if you actually take to sailing. It may become an addiction like it has for most of us here. There just might be NO TURNING BACK....LOLOLOLOL
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