I think if you look at the Pilot Charts for the month you will be making the passage, you'll be able to plan your route accordingly.
For example, leaving BVI in May, my preference would be to sail a route that is a gentle arc between the BVI and Cape Hatteras, passing through 75N-30W. The prevailing winds and currents are favorable. I'd cross the Gulf Stream somewhere south of Hatteras, and head just outside Diamond Shoals before turning north along the coast.
Unless you're really good at weather forecasting, hiring a weather routing service is a good idea (I used Commander's Weather). Gales are not uncommon in May off the Carolinas' coasts--there's one brewing out there right now. Depending on the weather, you might choose not to round Hatteras, and end up aiming for a Stream crossing further south, and then run in to Beaufort or another safe inlet to the south, and then proceed north in the ICW. You'll need good charts of the inlets and the ICW on hand, in case you need them.
Safe passage,