Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 24
Compatible crew.
I have just finished a 5 week stint as a crew member and I could not get off the boat quick enough,the skipper drove me nuts.I put an ad on the internet and got a reply from a guy straight away who was planning an Atlantic crossing from Nova Scotia to Portugal on a 25ft sloop,I had already done a crossing on a 32ft yacht so I thought just 7ft shorter its not much of a difference,big mistake,this boat was tiny and had a very small beam,it was very uncomfortable to sail in and very slow,it took 23 days to get to Flores in the Azores that was from Bridgewater in Nova Scotia,this guy lied when he told me the boat was very comfortable for 2 people and it handled very well on the sea,the truth was it was like living in a shoe box and it handled and sailed like a pig in the water,it would roll like hell in the slightest of seas.I flew to Canada from England ,the voyage was supposed to start the last week in May ,the boat was anchored out in Chamcook Bay in New Brunswick ,a remote bay 10 miles from the nearest town,when we arrived at the boat the plan was just to make last minute adjustments and then we would set sail for Bridgewater 284 miles away ,this would be the departure point,2 weeks later we were still in Chamcook Bay,when we got to the boat in the dink I was shocked at how small it really was ,the cockpit was only big enough for one person to sit in,we had trouble with everything ,this guy had no idea how to use any of his electronic equipment ,the Garmin GPS ,the electronic charts and the auto pilot ,he was trying to work out how to put a route into the GPS from the computer and transfer that to the auto pilot,he would constantly talk to himself and do a vocal running commentry on whatever he was doing.The point I am trying to make is this ,the guy should have known how to use all this gear before hand ,as a skipper you don`t just turn up at your boat with a crew member and then start trying to learn how to use your equipment,it gave me a very bad impression of him and I had no faith in him what so ever.I had the feeling I should leave but I did not want to let him down.He kept going on about how usefull his weather fax was ,when we left Chamcook Bay it was only 284 miles to Bridgewater two and a half days sailing at the most,the second day 20 miles off the tip of Nova Scotia we ran into severe weather ,we tuned into the weather channel on the radio and all we could hear was gale warnings for the area we were in for the next 2 days,we were motoring but could not make any headway because the tide the wind and the waves were all against us,we were in 100ft of water so we put the anchore down,that was 7pm on a Wednesday ,we rode out the storm there untill 8am Friday morning.As skipper this guy should have checked the weather before we set off,his failiure to do this could have got us into real trouble and maybe resulted in our deaths,so much for his weather fax he didn`t even use it,since I have some experience I should have made sure that we knew what the weather was and not assumed that he had checked the forecast, after, he said that he had checked the weather , but if he did ,how come we got hammered for 2 days?Eventually we got to Bridgewater where we spent another week with this guy trying to work out how to use his equipment,looking back now I should have left the boat then,I only stayed because I didn`t want to dissapoint him,if I had gone he would probably have to cancel the trip as he didn`t want to do it solo.After being stuck on the boat with him for 3 weeks by this time I had had enough of him and really should have left regardless,it was a miserable trip ,the first 2 weeks we had rough weather and it was very hard to cook as the galley just ran along the inside of the boat and there was no way of holding yourself in place.Another major problem was this guy could not talk about anything else but the boat,which meant there was no conversation at all which made for a very boring trip.I eventually flew back from Horta and was very relieved to see the back of this guy and his boat.I have crewed with people I have met off the internet before and have had some very good experience`s,but this was one to forget,so be carefull who you crew with and if your instinct tells you that you won`t get on with the skipper or crew then you probably won`t,so don`t feel obligated to go because its not worth it.