Originally Posted by atavist
Wow... that was recent, I was just talking to a friend who I saw posted an add on there a couple months ago and it was still the old yellow web page with a few basic links...
Sorry to see the change, I like the old no membership required style... I'm with Dave... I won't be using it in it's new form.
I've had good luck on crewseekers.net. it's a pay site but pretty simple and lots of posts for crew and positions.
Interesting Comments.
I tried to log in with my old password ect but could not had to re register and you have to register to see the new format even,
Accordingly did you de register seeing you are not going to use the site because if not all your details e-mail ect will still be be there.
They have caught a spammer already supposedly and membership remove and banned. They openly encourge if you receive spam give them the source and they will ban them and remove their membership making it they have to re register untill they are pinged again or use another server, under a different name e-mail address password.
Can you elaborate more in detail what is the dissadvantages the new site has been designed along. You seem to use lauguage I not familiar with and I don't understand what you are saying.