Originally Posted by Skitterbug
Apparently I did not check in every time I pulled into port. Ooops, got a $5000.00 fine in San Diego when I requested clearance papers for Mexico. Went somewhere with tears and got it reduced to $300.00 before I could leave. Thanks for the info.
How did they know when you pulled into port? I mean did you tell them when you actually KNEW you were non-compliant?
A friend of mine, in the 80's or early 90's did a similar thing--he checked in to Washington state (from Canada) thinking he was checking into the USA. Seems there's some odd thing (back then) where Canadians could check into Washington state w/o checking into the USA. Had to do with so much back and forth border crossings up there. Like you, he got a hefty fine when he arrived in San Diego because he didn't realize he'd never really checked into the USA. In his case, hefty was $600 and he had to stop in San Diego, pick up a job and work a while before he could go on with his cruising. I don't know how he got a work permit when he was in the dog-house with customs, but he did.