05-06-2006, 10:15 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,098
Donna Lange on Kiwi TV - 27' boat, circumnav
5 months ago she left Rhode Island on a solo, one-stop circumnavigation in her 27-foot sloop. She's made NZ, here's Kiwi TV interview
05-06-2006, 04:10 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 159
Donna has no ssb so probably doesn't get weather reports and is out of contact with people who can help her. Donna must sleep and she has no radar alarm. Donna is a darwin award candidate. Her achievment is a display of stupidity. It's kind of like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. Just my opinion.
A`ohe `ulu e loa`a i ka pokole o ka lou.
No breadfruit can be reached when the picking stick is too short.
05-06-2006, 04:45 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 178
Since she expresses great reservation about using her 406 Epirb, it's hard to see how she's doing anything irresponsible other than the limited watchkeeping that any singlehander is guilty of - including far more coastal sailors than ocean sailors. The choices she's making are hers to make, are they not? And hers to judge as well, it would seem to me.
Not much help available via SSB, I'm afraid - and knowing what weather is coming isn't going to change it. She's on her own, radio or not. Radar alarm? Better to have a radar, I would think...but neither was apparently affordable for her since she doesn't even have a depthsounder.
BTW her boat looked to me like a Southern Cross 28, in case anyone was interested. Good boat.
05-06-2006, 06:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Home Port: Darwin
Vessel Name: Sandettie
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I think Donna deserves praise for what she is doing. She doesn't appear to be trying to blow her own trumpet, is gathering herself together after what seems to have been an enormous screw-up and isn't intruding or imposing on anyone. If she makes it to Darwin, I would buy her a feed and a beer....just as I did Pat Henry way back, last century.....Crap, I'm getting old!
" if at first you don't succeed....Redefine success"!
05-08-2006, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 24
I agree with Auzzee and Jack on this one.
Donna is doing this knowing the risks involved. The voyagers of the 50's and 60's had neither radar or SSB and yet we have all enjoyed reading their accounts of successful voyages around the world.
I had no qualms about single-handing the Atlantic both ways in a boat without radar or SSB. If you are on a tight budget do you put off your voyage another year or two because you have to save up the money to buy these "aids to navigation"? How may people have we met who keep putting off their adventures because of these excuses and end up never leaving their home port?
The weather is going to hit anyway and all sailors know that bad weather is on its way by reading the signs, just like past generations did. Plus she probably had one of the excellent portable SSB receivers which are available and can receive weather forecasts.
Good on you Donna, I wish you a safe landfall at your home port.
Fair winds
05-11-2006, 04:24 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 33
Donna played her music at my restaurant in the carribean - brought tears to my eyes seeing her again - what a lovely person - I can only envy her courage and skill while wishing her well !
07-06-2006, 07:20 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
Hi All. So Great to land in KIWI land! So many thanks to so many who helped me get here.
I thought I had responded to this forum but don't see the post. I had answered some of the comments suggesting I didn't have proper gear and communications on board. I did have a satelite phone on board so when both of the SSB receivers went down I resorted to personal weather reports from a mate using Bouy Weather modeling site. I'd give him postions and he'd give me forecasts via text messaging on the Sat phone. It was expensive, but worked great. I was well able to avoid several huge storms because I had good communication. I wouldn't recommend anyone be out there blind.
I am just finishing up a great tour of music and laughter with family and "mates" in New England area and the Virgin Islands. Head back to New Zealand July 9th. I will been blessed with a newer SSB to take back with me. Try again. Got to find a way to get the radios out of waters way. Have to get them away from the sides of the boat. Condensation alone is really trashing the electronics. Water manages to drip off every surface. Picked up a sponsor, MTI Adventure wear( www.mtiadventurewear.com) who are providing Dry suit gear and a new life jacket. My family are all white water slolam kayakers and this stuff is what they wear in the rivers of new england in early spring snow runnoffs. Hoping to finally have a way to stay dry. MTI is trading the use of my music from new CD to use on their website. too Cool!!Have found all gore tex wear to be very poor. Never tried the oceanic stuff. too pricey.
Plenty of work to do to get ready for second leg leaving NZ in November. Getting psyched. Thanks to all the kiwi's giving me so many hands. AWESOME!
09-17-2006, 09:37 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
inspired Insanity update. Hi all. Getting ready to head out of auckland and head north to bug some new great kiwis. awesome folks. the circumnavigation prep is heating up with people, community getting involved. Sponsors are geting on board to improve the quality of my sail around cape horn back to RI. from high quality food supplements, to weather fax software, companies are pitching to boost my success from having endured... to having experienced...I'll be trying some unique products to fill my needs. Lifestream has a sun protective systemic product. I can take supplements to boost my bodies natural sun protective capability. a real concern for cruisers and long crossings. Eco store is going to ensure that all the cleaning and personal products i have are environmentally GREEN Happy. Between XAXERO and Global Marine Networks I'll have that saught after weather fax and forecasting system, SSB facilitated as well as vessel tracking. Jonathan Selby is an argentinian who designed his software while sailing the Horn. I am gonna take a shot at gettin high enough tech to have on board email even. The first thing is getting a new laptop. I had the resources for email and weather fax last trip but the computer went down. still hopin for a sponsor for one of those indestructible computers,(panasonic). You never know. MTI adventure wear has set me up with Palm Dry Gear, gasketed, waterproof, breathable dry suit tops and bottoms. And they look great. Some new possible sponsors, Under armour wear...Whangarei marine services...Then there are all the fabulous musicians that keep my soul alive a long the way. thanks.
Toughest concern right now is what was found to be a nerve impingment in my back. I had a slip on the foredeck in the first monnth crossing the north atlantic. that caused a serious muscle tear and really zapped alot of energy on the first leg of this trip. I have been unsuccessful at rehabing it. finally in just this last weeks, i had been coming to realize that the damage isn't just muscular. The pain is a radiating pain from my back. Finally the connection came to see a wonderful osteopath, the commodore from the Mongonui Cruising club. I had been offered the pleasure of a visit there and the opp to play music and speak at a quiz night at the cruising club thanks to Tony NOrman. He has a gorgeous bed and breakfast Millbay Haven there. The commodore wasnt at the music night but was willing to make an appt for early the next day before i had to leave. He found that i had severly shifted my pelvis when i slipped so that my legs were 3/4" off. he was able to bring the pelvis back to proper position but the damage ot the nerve is not just going to go away after 8 months out. It has been a week and with physio direction i am making some progress, but it is slow goin. the leg pain is easily triggered, the nerve aggravated. I guess the lesson here is to not be quite so tough with pain. it is an indicator that something is wrong. i have been pushin through this pain, disrupting the nerve more and more. hopefully with good rehab, strengthening and nutrition it will resolve before i leave in NOv. I will leave, but this is really an energy soaker. Thanks for all the help. With the need to attend to my back, the boat work is suffering. She'll be ready though. Rig is in Steve McCabe's good hands. A local boat builder and designer,Dion Rogers,got on deck with me a couple of days ago and we rebuilt the deck under the mast step, using solid teak to prevent further compression. Jeff at the MIlford Boatshop has supported my work all along. Ross Harold, kiwi sailmaker, set me up with a new custom working jib and repaired all the old sails. alternator is rebuilt and engine serviced. just need to get it all back together, get electricals happenin, and a new layer of antifouling and she can splash. still plenty more to do to secure deck and fittings,woodwork, safety gear and fuel system but the big stuff will be ready to go. time to concentrate on weather forecasting and provisioning. Thanks again KIWI great souls and all the sponsors comin on board. a magic place in the world. many thanks also to my faithful home team still totally sold out to making this a safe and life changing experience that will fly from me and my coccoon.
10-20-2006, 06:07 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
Hello all, I have been splashed, refitted and have sailed to Whangarei, north toward my leave point of Opua. I am working toward a mid to late november leave date for the second leg. Thanks to all on the NOrth Shore . Great folks in Whangarei. great services. truly a cruiser haven. Enjoy!!
10-20-2006, 10:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,098
Fair winds, Donna
10-20-2006, 06:02 PM
Good luck! Please post updates here.
10-21-2006, 12:49 PM
Rear Admiral
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 437
Donna was the first person we met on St Thomas, anchored in Secret Harbor, after we crossed the Atlantic back in Dec 2001.
She was an inspiration then - and even more so now.
Diver - Musician - Sailor - Dancer - Dreamer... in a whole new life.
I tried to talk her into taking the easy Milk Run.
But, NO
In three short years she has done MORE than the rest of us can only immagine. And has gained a whole new voice from doing so.
Go Donna Go
We Love You,
Kirk, Cath & Stuart McGeorge, s/v Gallivanter, St Thomas
PS - you still owe me another Irish Dance at Latitude 18
PSS - Morgan is absolutely GLOWING from his recent visit with you.
01-14-2007, 07:16 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
Hey Galivanter!!!! It was amazng having MOrgan in NZ. I tried to get him to come to ARgentina! but too short notice. It is just amazing here. Jon and Roxanne Selby have been unbelievable hosts. With this unexpected opportunity to rest I am really moving toward my 'after the sail goals'. Yes crazy solo sailors have our reasons for wanting th solitude. I have to say that i am the happiest human i know. The sea has been an incredible mentor in life. It has been amazing to be out there every minute. I have never felt alone. Being a woman, i have been able to 'be the man' which has been very satisfying. I can barely believe that i have resolved each issue, each day. To solo is to hold it all in your being. the absolute whole picture. There is just no possible other way i could have expereinced and gained the insights I have enjoyed and take on with me. so yes, it is all about caring... making investments in life toward growth for ourself and to encourage others. Kirk is a prime example of this. He and Cat are amazing supportive people. love them. thanks for all your support. I'll be back on the sea by the end of the month for the last leg. With Global Marine Networks software, my daily logs which i type up on the boat go direct to my website if anyone would like to follow. Now that i am in the channel, i will leave through the straits and west of the faulklands which is alot trickier than taking the wide swing i would have coming around the horn in deeper water. But JOnathan from Xaxero has done this section many times and it is great to have that expereince to guide me through there. Once out though, it is still going to be a challenge to get up the coast. I was studying the movement of the systems all the way across to the east coast these last weeks and there is definitely a squash zone there as the lows off Argentina hit the higher pressure farther off the coast. Once back into the Atlantics the challenges will be more about the sailing itself not necessarily the storms until I get farther north. Tradewinds are an enigma to me. The ICTZ and horse latitudes. I am looking forward to the time alone on the boat, study, music, reading, writing, ad being WARMMMMMM....Life is GRAND! thanks so much for your encouragement. big hugs
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