Originally Posted by Bclord
I am hard of hearing with hearing aids! But how can a deaf person sail if he or she cannot hear the vhf radio! Is there some other ways to communicate and stuff? I want to live abroad on a 30 ft to 40 ft sailboat! But curious on how I could be safe but also seek help if need during any emergency's! So any insight or ideas and tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
It's probably not advisable, but I routinely shut the VHF radio OFF because the chatter annoys me. I sail to get away from that stuff.
For emergencies you can use a DSC equipped radio. Once it's fully registered with an MMSI (a number identifying your vessel), and if it's connected to GPS, all you need to do is press (and hold) a button and it'll send a distress 'call' to other DSC-equipped vessels and the authorities (if they are within range). If it's not connected to GPS, you can manually enter your position.
Same for an EPIRB - just activate it.
The upshot is worries about emergencies ought not prevent you from going sailing!