It is well worth it to get your radio up and running. Some sources of assistance:
If you bought it locally, the vendor might provide you some assistance. Also, your local chapter of
ARRL can be helpful. Friendly folks, that bunch.
We downloaded a couple different freeware packages to get the download for HF weather fax set up. We played with it at anchor one day here on the US West Coast when we were out of range of any good weather VHF and needed to know what was going on. We hadn't even bothered setting it up before since we're in the USA. It was exceedingly slow to get the downloaded weatherfax. Given that experience, we put SSB Pactor modem or
Winmor high on the list if we expect to get weather info while in more remote areas. Both sailmail and airmail have a nice feature of sending you GRIB (weather) files via an email. All that is needed is either the Winmor software or the Pactor modem.
Sailmail is a subscription service that many cruisers use. Airmail is one that is provided to folks with HAM license only. If you don't have your license before leaving the USA, you should get it (0r have someone aboard get a license).
Hope this info is a little helpful. Sorry I don't recall which freeware programs we used for the weatherfax--that's on a different computer than the one I'm using right now.