Originally Posted by atavist
not at all.... this one does seem a bit under priced... I have found several of the same boat now and they are all about 10K more expensive, which still isn't a lot, and they all look more prestine... i'd probably just opt for the slightly more expensive in better shape boat so that you don't have to worry about hidden problems....
I can't believe no one had any actualy experience with these boats.
I have never heard of this boat before. I live in Sweden, and they are perhaps non-existing outside the US?
Anyway, since no one else comes in for you I might as well give you my 2 cents.
The boat looks really nice - I am définetely biased towards these full keeeled boats - great cruising boats IMHO with seakindly motion. Easy to make work with wind vanes etc.
What I do not quite like is the interior. To me, it lloks home-built or something, it lacks that 'boat' look. Lots of sharp corners, and what I could tell from the pics, awkward stowing (correct word?) i e cupboards etc.
As I said, just my two cents. Aren't there an owners association or something that you could get in contact with?
good luck!