I completely agree with Atavist.
When we were living aboard in the Mediterranean circa 1978, a lot of Formosa’s came through from the Suez Canal. We were very envious of their style and size, but many owners were very upset with the shoddy workmanship, particularly in the engineering department.
It seemed to depend whether the owner went over there, and sat on it while it was being built—these were generally okay. But those who just took delivery and sailed away experienced a ton of problems, some very serious and expensive to repair. delaminating masts and spars, wonky prop shafts, under ballasted, leaking decks, etc.
I suppose most of these have been fixed long ago, otherwise they would be on the bottom of the oceans.
Just make sure you take a very long, hard look at whatever takes your fancy, particularly the decks. But then, that probably applies to any boat, even including the brand new ones.