Gooday - cruisers & 'forums' shipmates & others. First & foremost; Moderators all - The time, dedication, effort & committment your shared input to this whole international FRIENDLY forum IS without parallel - anywhere in the modern world of communication. I bring this up 1/ to express my 100% gratitude & 100% PLUS THANKS !!!!, 2/ So that all new members will appreciate the endless hours, effert & committment all you moderators put into the success of this site.
I'd like to welcome (in no order) 'acetsch' - SV Wild Goose, Schooner. 'ace' look into Brenda & David's site - Schooner, SV Mahdee (the finest I've ever seen & love with a passion & great respect) - then show & tell us all about your schooner. Please !!
Welcome Marra Marra (as in creek) Nice to have you 'on-board' & thanks for you reply. I'm honoured & thank-you. Lived in that general area for many years back in the '50's & '60's.
'Sinbad seven' aka Tore. Cptn, tnx your reply & w'all hope you share your vast knowledge with us-all, we'll be much wiser for your shared experiences I'm sure. Tnx for your request for a 'stand-alone' site for better navigation - (whatever systems it might use). I know we can all use more info to stay safe & better informed. If Ed, & 'the mob-on 'GoneTroppo' use it then it's on the top of my 'must get' list. Will it help me miss the 'bricks' in & around the top of Australia & near SE Asia???? Hey there mate - "Bright-light #1, I went into 'google' & thanks but no-thanks. I'll not live long enough to get an answer that I can bet my life on in that site. I'd rather have the discusssion in here, so I can stay alive & trust just who I get the info from. Please, a 'stand-alone' site, Thanks !! Drinks are on me when 'Gnome' gets a salty wet bottom !!! WAM (welcome aboard mate)
'ocncanoer' aka Bob, SV Sarah, Juneau, SE Alaska. Thanks for e-mail & enjoy this wonderful group of people. Share your trips with us, Please. What type of yacht is SV Sarah? We'll all enjoy your adventures with you so please share !!
Now to everyone in this site. I've a suggestion (it's my barrow & I'm going to push-it). If everyone fully filled-in their 'profile' then we would know who we were talking to. The more people know about 'you' - the more we can & will - - feel comfortable - - sharing ourselves with 'you'. No-one in here has anything to hide - in real terms - so - - open up & share. There's nothing to loose & everything to gain. I've noted that the more people know (about me - as an example) the more we (they & I) can share & assist eachother. If - for instance - I wanted to crew on yachts - the more the 'prospective' Skipper knew about me, my knowledge & my sailing experiences - then the more (or less - Ha ha) positions I might get offered. As in - - it's often much harder to get a job opening than it is to keep it. 'profile' is a bit like a 'resume' my thinks. I M H O
Now - slightly off-topic - but linked. JeanneP has rightly said that discussions should be held in these forums & not off-board or in private - - as very few learn form 'private' conversations thus sailing knowledge is not shared. Totally agree - however I do have a problem there-in. I feel that I get more than my fair-share of 'board-time' & would be very self-conscious & embarrased if all the other users here-in thought that I was taking up to much time, space & wasting theirs. Some opinions I've offered - in private - would possibly be quite controversial & I do not want to start an arguement of any kind with anyone about anything. With the greatest respect I ask of guidance & advice - Please. Ciao for now, 'jj-geri-hat-trick, james