Originally Posted by MMNETSEA
Hi tel,
To answer the question/s, need to know what Pearson 424 you have in mind ?
Each one produces a different set of answers . Sloops sail differently to Ketches - Bilge keelers can be beached , go into shallower waters, don't track as well as full keels.
Richard....I've sailed cutters and sloops most of my life, including some fairly serious offshore work. So I guess a cutter is the preference. I've never sailed a ketch (or sailed on one for that matter). I think there is a pearson 424 in the cutter configuration. I'm not wild about the idea of bilge keels. The one we saw in Australia looked like it would fall into the category of "solid and dependable" which has some attraction to me and my wife. So I would appreciate any knowledge you have about how they perform in general, and whether they are as solid and dependable for a couple as they look. Cheers....tel