Unfortunately, as the world price of basic food commodities such as rice skyrockets and the supply dwindles, those countries hardest hit will experience desperate measures by their populace trying to feed itself.
Vessels carrying food will be most heavily targeted, but a free meal from a yacht may become more and more attractive in some parts of the world.
It's one thing for us in the developed world have our food prices double when less than 10% of our earnings goes toward feeding ourselves, but as the price doubles and if you already spend 80+% of your income for food, you will be forced to act desperately in order to feed your family.
Countries such as Haiti have gone from bad to worse even resulting in the widespread eating of mud to squelch hunger pains.
While I'm not here to state a position and solutions, I do think the topic merits a little internal soul searching to determine each of our responses.
At the very least we should be aware of the limited supply in some cruising areas and insure that we are respectful and not wasteful of a scarce commodity just because we can afford it.