Originally Posted by lloyd
Hi, Advice please. I might be relocating for a job in Port Said. Is there a decent yacht club where I can moor a 40 footer? Probably I'll live board. If I go there I would stay approx 12 months. Any comments either on mooring and lving aboard and yacht clubs or Port Said in general much appreciated. Do any readers have experience of this place. I'm currently in Karachi and would sail from there? When is best time to go up red sea etc? Any advice please.
Spent a week in the Port Said Yacht Club in 2004 before heading into Med. Greatly enjoyed the trips into the city proper - free ferry rides from one side of Canal to the other. Whenever foreign yachts were moored at club there was always at least one member of the Tourist Police within eyesight - complete with AK47.
We had another yacht moored beside us for much of the week which had several kids on board. At one stage I got off our yacht while the policeman was lying on the jetty with one of the small boys who had a line in the water only to step over his AK47 which he had left on the grass about 10 metres away!