We have such a group of comedians!!
I saw the new activity on this post and had to chime in....I was originally OK with "becoming one with the smell", but the following made it necessary to figure this thing out:
little rough seas (not for us, but for visitors)
visitors needing to go to the head underway
visitors green upon returning from head
visitors extremely green at/off the stern rail(luckily)
visitors statement that it might have been OK, but the smell finally did them in!
So, in order for the boat to be a happier place, we decided that much more investigation must be done and a FINAL SOLUTION rendered.
The real problem was that we couldn't really figure out where the smell was coming from. It was certainly bad when you first entered the boat. Sometimes you'd just get a strong whiff. We accessed the holding tank area - no leaks or identifiable smells there....the heads were sparkling clean and disinfected. Again, you weren't smelling anything specific actually in the heads. The galley sink drain smelled fresh. We actually dry the last bit of water left in the shower sump before leaving, so that was not the source. The leftover bilge water is clear and non-offensive.
This is what the final solution ended up being - not sure which actually fixed the problem:
replaced aft head completely (was hard to pump and a rebuild kit was about 1/2 price of a whole new head - so, what the heck...)
replaced joker valve on forward head
now - what we think was really the culprit - ugh [xx(] we replaced all of the sanitation hoses with the pricey "odorsafe" hoses. What a yucky job!! We suggest that anyone attempting this have something on hand to plug the open ends thouroughly!! The boat is 10 yrs old and this was probably the first time this has been done although I'm not positive.

Oh, and we also did the following:
checked the bottom of our shoes - what shoes? the 10yr goal is no shoes and no shirts!
checked the baby's diaper - what baby? the 10 yr goal is for the baby to have his OWN baby and come visit us somewhere warm!
Mouse Trap - brought the cat
Dirty Neighbours - we've "become one with those"
Underpants - what underpants? - again, the 10 yr goal is not to have them!
Wind Shift - checked that - just gives a change in which "neighbor" is involved
Wild Weekend - checked that and must say there was one and will probably continue to happen!
Fridge accidently turned off - blasphemy! then the cold beer would not be pleasant!
Scared - yes, but let's call that "respectful of nature"
Shoes in cockpit - nope, read above
Perhaps it's just the fact that she's a Hunter! Oh, now that was cruel - you know I won't be on this boat for the 10 yr plan!!
Can't blame the cat because she wasn't there until we were looking for the mouse!
And finally, I did bring flowers!
Thanks for all the suggestions!