Originally Posted by capdiy
Here is an other slant to this story: depending on water and air temperature differences ( that's my theory), fiberglass will move causing a crackling noise. I have experienced this on a number of boats in the Caribbean and the the east coast of Australia for tooo many years!
...if that is the case, I'd be highly whorried!! Fiberglass= glass fibres embedded in *hardened resin, and both components are highly connected to each other. If not, we talk about
delamination: the fibres loosing contact to the resin and they can start to move..., the material (and therfore the hulls structure) becomes soft and very flexible. *But you are right when talking about decks and when they are not constructed as a sandwich: walking on deck produces a crackling noise and the older (and softer) a deck, the more it crackles. Delamination at work? *But this is a different topic and maybe a new thread.
Back to the Snap, Crackle, Pop made by sea creatures: *When living on board way back in the early 90ies (European Atlantic Coast, Caribbean and Atlantic Islands) we NEVER heard it. In partially the same waters on the same boat in 2003/04 we found it nerve wrecking loud at times! Did the species that produces the noise grow in population or* spread into new habitat, or didn't we notice back then?
SY Aquaria*