Anyone know of a comprehensive list of solo circumnavigators? I've checked the old Joshua Slocum Society website but they only show 67 entries up to 2008 which seems way too low.
I'm also finding it incredibly annoying that the definition of a circumnavigation has strayed from the simple, straightforward and unambiguous ('A true
circumnavigation of the world must pass through two points antipodean to each other.' Norris McWhirter, founding editor of Guinness Book of Records, 1971) to the bizarre complexity of the rules composed by the WSSRC which only seems interested in speed records, even if most of those are obscure ones.
This site has a list of 54 entries up to 1978 but it differs significantly from the Joshua Slocum Society list:
solo circumnavigators
As an additional comment, since most of the recent "circumnavigations" by teenagers did not pass two points antipodean to each other and since neither the WSSRC or Guinness recognize records based on age, one wonders what was their point.