I just downloaded it and hope to play with it over the next several months. It says that it can receive input from our Garmin GPS, which I would like to do. It's really great.
The detail for the US, UK, and Canada is wonderful - down to individual houses. But it is much less detailed for other parts of the world right now, and I find that there are mistakes. Considering the scale of the project, a few mistakes are understandable, but if you used the images you would have to be sure to put in all sorts of caveats - "not to be used for navigation", etc. Each image has a copyright stamp on it, and the license agreement to use the software says you won't use the images for resale.
below are excerpts from the license agreement.
"This Software is for non-commercial use only and your rights in the Software are strictly limited to home, personal or recreational use only by you and not for the benefit of third parties."
"You shall not copy, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, translate, modify or make derivative works of the Software, geographical information, screen outputs or prints in whole or in part. Further, you shall not rent, disclose, publish, sell, assign, lease, rent, sublicense, market, or transfer the Software, geographical information, prints or screen outputs or any part
thereof or use it in any manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement."