Originally Posted by yachtmontyb
Hello Tom! We've just registered with this site, it looks good. Thanks for the comments, praise indeed. We love the boat and are amazed how you kept on top of all the important stuff on your own. Hats off to you! We've done a few day charters and all our guests love the yacht too. Event the dogs like her! We've been meaning to email you for months now with some technical questions, so we'll try your happy fish address. Hope the Philippines are working out well for you,
Tim, Katie & the hounds
Welcome, welcome, welcome! I've enjoyed your blog and look forward to hearing more about your adventures
Please settle in to the CL and enjoy the posts!
Fair winds,
PS What happened with your bed situation? We've put in a lovely latex foam mattress that is truly divine. We joke with a friend who has a similar mattress in their RV--we both agree that the latex foam mattress in the boat and RV are more comfy than any of the more costly interspring mattresses that either of us have ever had. And, btw, you can get the (natural) latex foam and cut it yourself into the shape needed. Further, you can make sections to fit it all in and be able to remove one part at a time to get at storage under the bed if needed.