Crew available in Caribbean - Trans Atlantic to Europe (W-E)
Hello! My name is Till Andernach, 24 years old from
Germany. I am looking for crew position on a boat
crossing the Atlantic West to East as soon as possible. I
am currently located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but
will be traveling to Sint Maarten soon. Ready to help
preparing the boat as well as to provide follow up. I
am able to share costs, but I do not want to charter.
Please contact me if you need a crew member.
My skills which might be useful for you on board:
I speak English (fluent), Spanish (fluent) and
German (native)
I like cooking and photography (carry own
amateur equipment)
very easy going, open minded and curious
experienced traveler and adventurer
competitive swimmer
undergraduate business degree (Maastricht University, NL)
Maritime experience:
over 300 NM sailing in Mediterranean and Atlantic on different sailing yachts and
working experience in underwater boat and equipment maintenance (Miami, USA)
complete comprehension of the International Yachtmaster Trainings material
email: till.andernach (AT)
whatsapp: 0057 319 261 8878
skype: till.andernach
Feel free to contact me at any time!