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Old 12-26-2012, 12:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: san diego
Vessel Name: Rogues' Scholarship
Posts: 7
Unhappy crew wanted for singapore to phillipines to japan to alaska

Any or all of it. leaving March 2013 mid to late from Singapore. We plan on sailing over Borneo and Brunei then up to the phillipines and on to Japan bottom to top and then Dutch Harbor Alaska. From there dodge polar bears to Homer or Anchorage and then down the inside passage. This trip officially ends at Homer or Anchorage but extentions may apply. the vessel is a 51 foot Morgan OI heavy comfortable ocean passage maker. I have one crew spot taken and room for two more. Experience required or highly motivated beginner, This is a cost share trip as in you will be responsible for your own transportation to and from the boat and all personal consumables. I take care of all boat related expenses eg fuel, berthing , maintainence etc. Proof of funds and valid passport for at least 8 months required prior to acceptance. This trip will be fun to the nth degree. This trip will be hard to the third power, and above all , safe as humanly possible. We plan to use professional weather routing service and all prudent measures to ensure a successful voyage. Enquiries welcome. Good luck and Bon Voyage.
captain Mark (USCG Master 100 Ton)

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Old 12-27-2012, 12:12 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: Sedona AZ
Posts: 6

Hi there,

My boyfriend and I saw your ad and are checking in with you in case our timing could coincide. We are looking to go to Raja Ampat/Borneo sometime between January and March. We are both wildland firefighters and have work off until mid March. I have sea experience working on a commercial salmon boat in the Prince William Sound as a skiff driver and cork layer, and Chris has a larger skiff boat off his land in Brazil. Neither of us have sailing experience, but we are very helpful and like to work. Chris is 40 and I am 34, we have been together for a year and a half. Both of us have been exploring the world for over 10 years and want to take on a new adventure.

I hope this holiday season finds you well.

Jamie Taucher
(928) 399-0075

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Old 12-27-2012, 11:16 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: san diego
Vessel Name: Rogues' Scholarship
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Default close but no cigar!

Hey Jamie,
Thanks for your reply. It doesn't look like a very good match however with your work schedule. We will be leaving mid to late March 2013 from Malaysia , just across from Singapore. Otherwise it might have worked. Do you normally live in Sedona? I'm from Phoenix and will be there from mid January till mid March so if any thing changes let me know . Good luck and safe travels.
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Old 12-28-2012, 06:24 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Hi Mark,

This sounds like a really interesting trip but I have quite a few questions about it as I'm not sure it would work out 100% with my plans.

Let me tell you a bit about myself and if you want to talk more then you can contact me and I'll bombard you with questions. This way, you don't have to waste time answering questions if it's not going to work for you.

I'm Irish, 31, travelling alone. Been travelling for nearly 4 years. I'm currently in Australia and would be interested in going from Singapore to Japan only.

As a traveller I've done a lot of things, seen a lot of things, I'm relaxed, easy going and pretty open.

I've done a host of different types of jobs from running my own business to bar work, teaching, farm work, and so on so versatile, hardworking and a fast learner.

As regards sailing experience, I have completed a level one sailing course in Ireland about 5 years ago so understand the basics. I loved it but work got in the way of going any further with it myself. I don't have a lot of sea miles down but have been on boats enough to know I don't get sea sick. Longest I've been at sea would be about a day as in 24 hours but these were on large vessels.

While I don't have a lot of experience I have some, a great attitude and plenty of experience when it comes to long and hard journeys. Done the Trans-siberian, sat in one place for 2 days on a train in china and drive 15,000km from Brisbane to Perth where I am now. I'll be completing the circle before heading back to Asia.

Anyway, if you think it might be something that could work, please get in touch and we'll have a chat.

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Old 12-28-2012, 07:08 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: san diego
Vessel Name: Rogues' Scholarship
Posts: 7

Hey Trevor, I don't see any reason it wouldn't work, especially knowing I can sit you in the helm seat for days on end while the rest of the crew and myself play cards down below. What do you figure ? Are you good for 8 or ten hour watches? ...Just messin with ya.. I'd be glad to answer any and all questions. I'll start by copying a reply i wrote this morning to another prospective member of our crew;
In the interest of full disclosure, the trip planned is on a cost share basis. You are expected to pay for transportation to and from the boat. You are expected to pay for personal consumables like; food, drinks and any personal land travel that may arise including visas and immigration fees. I pay for all boat expenses eg fuel, water, maintenance, berthing / dockage fees, dinghy gasoline, port clearances etc. We will arrive through Singapore and proceed to Malaysia via train and taxi (minimal costs) to where the boat is in Johor Baru, Puteri harbor. After a few days of prep and provisioning we will be ready for sea. The planned route is over the top of Borneo and Bahrain and on to the Philippines. There are any number of ports to call at however depending on weather and crew I would like to bite a big chunk off at the beginning ( a week sailing) to get through as much cyclone waters as possible. We will have to rest to be efficient and safe but the emphasis at the beginning is to get north. That is the essence of the planned trip. The goal is Alaska via Japan and the rest of the trip will evolve as we do research and planning along the way. We will utilize professional weather prediction/routers for the open water portions of the trip, such as Commanders.
We have dive/snorkel gear for 2/4 and a compressor on board with 4 tanks if you are a diver. We also have two kayaks (one sit-in, one sit-on). If you are still interested then there will be lots more to talk about over the coming months.
That's it in a nut shell, let me know what you think.
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:47 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: Sedona AZ
Posts: 6

Hey Mark,

Too bad timing is off, sounds like an interesting trip! Yeah, Chris and I live in the Oak Creek Canyon year round, except when we're out on fires. If you come up here or we head down there, maybe we could meet up for a drink and talk sailing.

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Old 12-30-2012, 02:01 AM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: Always Moving
Posts: 3

Hey Mark,

That's cool thanks for the reply.

I completely understand the cost-sharing and think that's fair. If you could give me an estimate of what u reckon the daily cost might be, not for visa's but the rest that would be great. Just from a budget point of view.

Also, do you have any idea of how long the trip might take to Japan? Again, I'm not looking for a set schedule, just to have an idea for moving on after. Are you planning on staying a bit in the Philippines or just skipping through?

My email's below if you want to answer via that and ask any questions u like.

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Old 12-31-2012, 02:17 PM   #8
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We are Jurgita and Tomas, two 36 year old Lithuanians on our bicycle tour. We have been on the road for two and a half years. Apart from cycling we are really interested in sailing and Tomas has passed courses of Helmsman of the 2nd rank, which is the first step in sailing in our country.

From October to December we were crew on a beautiful 72 ft traditional Malay sailing boat. For two intense weeks we were on the slip scraping, sanding and putting a new layer of antifouling. We also enjoyed other six weeks motoring and sailing around Langkawi and in southern Tailnand waters doing anyting it takes, that is repairing the engine, repairing the plumbing, sewing the sail covers and the sprayhood, painting, helping around the kitchen and cooking. The experience of handling junk rigged boat was really interesting.

We have cycled 25000 kilometres through East Europe, Middle East and Asia, which should account for being patient and unpretentious. We are non smokers, non vegetarians, non Facebook addicts and think we have no other annoying habits.

If you think you would like to see us on board, please write to us tomas.kvedaras@gmail.com

Jurgita and Tomas,
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Old 01-02-2013, 12:43 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2012
Home Port: Auckland
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Hi Mark

I am Jason, a 26 year old Australian. I'm in the fairly early stages of a big world trip and am looking to make as much of my time as I can pass at sea.

In terms of experience, all I can offer at this stage is enthusiasm. I'm a quick study, fit and very keen to pick up the skills required as I want to continue to travel like this for as long as I can - so picking up a glowing reference from you and as much knowledge as I can at this early stage would absolutely be fantastic.

I'm not going to be available to join in at the beginning of the trip, but might fit in quite nicely in the Philippines if you've still the space at that stage. I will be there from mid feb for a few months to get some diving done (you may now realise why I was particularly attracted to your vessel) and it would be great if it worked out that when you left I could tag along, too.

What I can't contribute in experience I will try to make up for in other ways - I can cook, I play guitar and by the time you pick me up, if that works out, I'll be a fully fledged dive instructor, which might be a nifty thing for other guests you have on board.

Hope it works out. Otherwise - smooth sailing.


You can get a hold of me at jasonsrat@gmail.com
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Old 01-13-2013, 03:35 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2012
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G'day Mark
Im a 36yo Australian male sailed a fair bit around east coast when younger then around UK and France, had a couple of yachts before last one refitted and sailed from UK to the Med then due to circumstances decided to backpack in Asia for a while and now back in Oz. Im ex navy submariner, spent a few years at sea and up to scratch with seamanship, comms, nav, first aid etc. also a divemaster and a general handy man so know about electrics, mechanics and other boat diy...easy going, spent a few years in various countries and enjoy a healthy and balanced life...im free from first of feb so if that would suit you guys then please get in touch with me via tdski@hotmail.com...regards Tom
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Old 01-14-2013, 06:30 PM   #11
Join Date: Jan 2013
Home Port: mesa
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Hi Mark:
my wife showed me your post. We are in Mesa and I am master of a 103 ft boat (100 ton near coastal license power and sail). We also have a house in Puget Sound, WA
We would like to talk to you about at least part of the trip....
my email is psj222@gmail.com our daughter is teaching in S. Korea and our son is in college.

Paul and Gwen
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Old 01-15-2013, 02:35 AM   #12
Outstanding crew!!!
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Please read this message carefully and*attentively... I trust your response.

I am very interested in buying a boat OR buying into a boat "partnership"...*I have good experience sailing because I lived for 22 year in Miami Beach USA making Key Biscayne and the Atlantic Ocean my playground sailing on a Colgate 26, power boating, fishing*and diving. I also participated in few regattas in Key Biscayne competing in a small 4-crew sailing boat wining one competition.

I NEED/WANT to live in a boat for the next year or two in order to acquire the*experience necessary to become a true sailor and be able to sail the world...*I am ready to do*ALL tasks from the*smallest*to the biggest; any boat duties*to quickly learn and master all tasks needed for sailing.*

I am well fit, well-mannered,*extremely positive, easy going individual with a ken common sense; moreover*I am a highly educated individual...*I fluently speak write and read in Russian, Spanish, English and Portuguese with Basic in Italian and French. I am also a Pilot for single engine airplane, a NAUI Scuba Diver with Survival skills in the Forests, Deserts, Mountains and Waters.

Awaiting for your reply...
Karlos Falcon

Phone +64-027-922-2129
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Old 02-19-2013, 06:36 AM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2013
Home Port: Hanoi
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Default available from end of march

Hi Mark,

Just in case you are still looking........i have recently completed my Day skipper and am looking for an adventure. I am currently finishing up a job in Beijing then i am free from the end of March.

Gives us a shout if you still need crew for your epic passage.



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Old 03-06-2013, 07:23 PM   #14
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Default keen!

Hi Mark,

My boyfriend and I are two Brits travelling in Asia, we'll arriving into Borneo early-mid March and travelling/volunteering in the area for a while and then looking to travel Japan-wards (and further!). While neither of us have sailing experience (I had a lesson, once, years ago and really loved it, however I can almost guarantee that I've forgotten everything), we're both super keen to learn, and conscientious workers.

If you think we'd be a good fit, drop me a line at kaaj.modi@gmail.com.


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Old 03-16-2013, 10:00 AM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Hi Captain Mark,

My name is Diego, 27 y-o argentinian/italian, rookie at the arts of sailing, but completely enthusiastic about learning. Currently finishing diving course at Phi Phi, looking fw to be part of a sailing adventure, and very interested in your plan.
I am a hard worker and determined character who can cook, dive, chat and even sing if there is a guitar being played. Have travelled around the world a bit, but always by land. Agricultural engineer as a profession, currently trying to swap and learn more about the sea.

I have noticed you have already had many replies. If would like to meet me an think I may be useful, please do not hesitate in contacting, or I can head myself to Singapour for a meeting.

If anything, my Thai mob is 0916303102.

Best regards,
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Old 05-22-2013, 06:15 AM   #16
Join Date: May 2013
Home Port: genova
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ciao capitano,
i am an italian guy looking for adventure, i am in new Zeland now and at the moment i am looking for a boat to south pacific..
i really `w enjoy you for this great trip...well you can find people with more experience that me, that actully is not much but you never can find one with more antisiastc than me. i am 32 years old and i letf my country just for looking for adventure...i was in darwin last year and i did the fischerman in the timor sea..after that i understand that the sea can be my future but i need to learn.
i hope that i can do with you.


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Old 09-28-2013, 06:04 PM   #17
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Default crew position


I'm probably late, but you post is still active.

Are you still looking for crew? Where are you? In addition to the info below, I speak Japanese and have lived in Alaska.

Just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I'm interested in joining your crew.

Here’s some info about me.

I sailed Hobie Cats as a kid. Sailed whenever I could get on a boat, weekly club races on Long Island Sound and Puget Sound, crewed from Guatamala to Florida, bare-boat chartered in the Caribbean and Tahiti. Had my own boat, a Catalina 30, and "cruised" the San Juans and Gulf Islands five months each of the past few summers, single-handed and on the hook. Winters I was living on her at the marina.

Graduated from UCSB and then went traveling, chasing mountains around the world. Have spent about 15 years abroad, mainly in South Asia, Japan, New Zealand and Central America. Worked on and off for Stanford University during the 1980s. Have lived east coast, west coast and in between. Have done a lot of bicycle and motorcycle touring. Interested in nature, especially birdwatching, mushrooming, fishing/crabbing. Just sold my house, gonna miss my vegetable garden. I love reading.

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

I've decided to get more seriously into boating. I bought my first boat a few years ago and the learning curve has been incredible. I knew wind and sails, sailing lingo and how to handle a boat, but now it's all about safety and systems and the responsibilities of a captain. Best way to learn is hands-on. But now I’m boatless again and am looking for the opportunity to sail with others and learn more about boats. My dream is to sail to Alaska. And then who knows.

I sold my Catalina 30 not too long ago, but now looking to get back and more deeply into sailing. Very interested to learn more about all aspects of boating. Would appreciate the opportunity to help out on your boat, get more experience and knowledge, and have fun. Thanks.

And if you have the time, where in SE Asia are sailing hubs where one would have a good chance of finding crew positions. I figure to just go with my kitbag and prowl the marinas. Thanks.

Jack Whittemore

p.s. I’m healthy, unencumbered and financially secure.

Originally Posted by captnmarco View Post
Any or all of it. leaving March 2013 mid to late from Singapore. We plan on sailing over Borneo and Brunei then up to the phillipines and on to Japan bottom to top and then Dutch Harbor Alaska. From there dodge polar bears to Homer or Anchorage and then down the inside passage. This trip officially ends at Homer or Anchorage but extentions may apply. the vessel is a 51 foot Morgan OI heavy comfortable ocean passage maker. I have one crew spot taken and room for two more. Experience required or highly motivated beginner, This is a cost share trip as in you will be responsible for your own transportation to and from the boat and all personal consumables. I take care of all boat related expenses eg fuel, berthing , maintainence etc. Proof of funds and valid passport for at least 8 months required prior to acceptance. This trip will be fun to the nth degree. This trip will be hard to the third power, and above all , safe as humanly possible. We plan to use professional weather routing service and all prudent measures to ensure a successful voyage. Enquiries welcome. Good luck and Bon Voyage.
captain Mark (USCG Master 100 Ton)
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Old 10-25-2013, 10:22 AM   #18
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I wish I could do this!! WOW
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Old 10-30-2013, 06:10 AM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Hi Mark,
I am available in November.
Are you in need of crew ?
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Old 10-31-2013, 05:23 PM   #20
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Posts: 5

Is this March 2013 or 2014? Are you still looking for crew? Please let me know! I am seeking a new adventure! Please reply to this message!

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crew wanted

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