Hi there,
Sometimes it is hard to get sailing time. However, you should be able to stop by any of your local (large) marinas and yacht clubs and specifically ask about the informal "beer can" races that might be held in your area. These are typically on a weeknight (often Wednesdays) and there are frequently people who need crew. Put a nice notice on the bulletin boards at local marinas with your contact information. Talk to the receptionist at each marina or the dockmaster and explain your interest. There are even small boat (dingy) racing groups that you might get involved with if you take a class...
There are many different ways to find sailors. Expect to help with boat clean up and prep work before and after the races. Be willing to do the dirty work and be cheerful about it. If others find that you are a cheerful crew member willing to take orders from the skipper, you'll have a list of skippers wanting your help!
Good luck!
PS Hubby learned to sail as a boy scout, but he and I got our early sailing experience by volunteering on other people's boats during the beer can races. I just told everyone I knew and new people too "I would love to learn to sail but I don't know anyone with a boat"...next thing I knew, a fellow I met through another hobby (pottery) offered to take me and hubby along to the races. I didn't even know that he had a boat --but I told him about my interest in sailing