Boat size & type:
HYLAS 46' cutter rig
Embark port: Herrington Harbor, MD a little south of Annapolis
Estimated departure (or join) date: ~
Nov 8th depending on weather
Arrival port & ETA (or voyage details):Plan on working down the coast to southern Florida. Norfolk to Beaufort on the ICW. Depending on weather this leg should be somewhere between 2 to 3 weeks. A second leg may be planned to continue to Isla Mujeres, Mexico in December..
Number of other crew aboard (Skipperplus): .. would like skipper plus 2,will consider skipper plus 3
Crew qualifications required and duties: .. Capable of standing independent underway watch
Cost to join vessel and repatriation is paid by: crew member..
Estimated equal-share contribution to food/drinks: ($US Per person, per day): All on board expenses paid by skipper. All off vessel by crew mwmber.
Note: NO daily/weekly charge and NO contribution towards ANY other costs (fuel, propane, fees, marinas, etc.) is required from crew.
More info: Skipper holds 100 ton Near Coastal license. Email direct to