07-15-2013, 12:30 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Southern ocean and south pacific voyage
Hi all,
The two crew that I had found for this journey have sadly had to withdraw for personal reasons, so I am looking for 2 crew for a journey.
Sailing from: Sydney, NSW, in September 2013 to Newcastle. Will stay there a few months, then leaving Newcastle in December 2013, via Lord Howe Island, to Nelson then Lyttleton in New Zealand. Leaving Lyttleton in March 2014 to sail via the "roaring forties" of the southern ocean, then north to Raivavae in French Polynesia.
From April 2014 to November 2014 will then be island hopping from Raivavae/Tahiti/Cook Islands/Samoa/Fiji and then on to Vanuatu.
CREW WANTED for some or all parts of the journey. IN PARTICULAR I am after 2 hardy and experienced crew to help me sail the boat on an adventure across the southern ocean, starting in Newcastle via Lyttleton to Raivavae. This part of the journey will be rough, and in parts cold and wet as we take on the roaring forties (although most of that will be down wind).
CHIARA STELLA is a steel cutter rigged vessel of 40ft on deck, with all of the safety features. Constructed in Holland in 1982 and refitted recently, I won't bore you with the details but it's a solid ocean going vessel having already circumnavigated twice.
PREFERABLY I am after a couple (genders not important, but having a couple on board will make the sleeping arrangements a bit easier) who believe they can handle the voyage from Lyttleton to Raivavae. Either side of that you're welcome to join in the Sydney to Newcastle leg or the Newcastle to Lyttleton leg, although if you were willing to tackle the southern ocean I can find less hardy crew for the shorter legs.
Respond here or email me directly: del at babel dot com dot au (and do the usual substitutions to turn that into a real email address).
1. Boat Name, Hailing Port, including country: CHIARA STELLA, Sydney, Australia
2. Type and size of boat: 40ft sailing vessel, cutter rig, steel hull.
3. Will the boat's owner be aboard (yes/no): yes
4. What is the relationship of the skipper to boat owner if owner won't be aboard (Relative/friend, Employee/delivery skipper): owner
5. How many other crew will be aboard during this passage: owner + 2, total 3
6. How many children will be aboard during this passage: none
7. Children's ages (infant through 18 y.o.): NA
8. How many pets (and type) will be aboard during this passage: 1 cat
9. Present boat location (Port including Country): Sydney, Australia
10. Starting point of passage advertised for crew: Newcastle, Australia or Lyttleton, New Zealand.
11. Approximate date trip will start (month/year): December 2013 or March 2014
12. Approximate length of trip: 4 months or 1 month.
13. Expected destination of trip: Raivavae, and then onwards to Vanuatu.
14. Duties crew member will be expected to perform: Sailing, watch-keeping, cooking, keeping own self safe and seamanlike.
15. Desired sailing experience level for crew member to already have: At least one major ocean passage.
16. Expected daily cost-share for trip (in US Dollar): From Sydney to Raivavae, nil, I will be covering all costs. From Raivavae onwards, shared food and beverage cost only (alcohol is at your own expense).
17. Skipper states that the expected daily cost-share stated is for FOOD only and doe not include fuel, boat operating costs, marina fees, or any other expenses of cruising nor for profit (yes/no):Yes
07-27-2013, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Home Port: Copenhagen
Posts: 3
Experienced sailor seeks Pacific sailing
I would be very interested in joining you for the South Pacific cruise.
I will be sailing from Cap Verde to Tobago november/december this year with a Danish boat, and are looking for a boat going to French Polynesia in early or mid 2014 for a six months period.
I have been sailing gaff rig boats for three years, and have a basic navigation certificate. I have done cruises around Denmark and Germany in gaff rigs boats and a vikingship.
I'm 42 years old, are living and working as journalist in Copenhagen, Denmark, and are in good health.
Please write me: michaelulfus@hotmail.com
Kind regards, Michael.
07-28-2013, 12:26 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Hi all,
At this stage I think I have found the crew I need but I will keep note of other responses in case the crew I have found can't make it.
10-16-2013, 04:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Hi all,
I have had crew withdrawal so I am looking for crew once agian at least for the Newcastle - Lyttleton leg, starting in early December. Let me know if you're interested.
10-16-2013, 10:06 AM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Home Port: Hobart
Vessel Name: Honey Bee
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Hi Del
Just looking at your planned trip. It sounds like a great sail. We did something similar a while back.
In 1982 we crossed from Tasmania to Christchurch and then headed out to Pitcairn, up to Tahiti and then back to Aus via the intervening islands. It turned into a fairly challenging trip and we ended up doing 12,000 miles in 12 months - much more sailing than sitting in tropical anchorages.
Currently trying to set up for a Tasman crossing, maybe to Bluff and then up to Chch by Christmas. Might see you there.
Good luck with finding crew.
: New Caledonia, Australia.
10-18-2013, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2013
Home Port: GDAŃSK
Posts: 1
I'm Interested to join You in Newcastle,
My name is Filip, I'm 27 years old, and I'm polish. I sail since I was 2 years old, because sailing is family tradition. I sailed optimist, and other dinghies boat, which help me understand what is going on the water. Since 3 years I'm sailing on bigger bots in match racing and in offshore regattas. But there is still a lot for me to learn, explore, achieve. That's why I think this cruise is perfect step in my sailing development . I'm adapt easily to new situations, places people, During last year I was Optimist Coach, Skipper in events for Russian Clients in Croatia, Turkey, Jib trimmer in professional team (until sponsor resign) and know I'm preparing my Ice-boat fleet to winter season. But sailing is always on first place, an opportunities like this is what I need.
If interested contact me: thecouchsurfer@gmail.com
10-19-2013, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Originally Posted by Filip
I'm Interested to join You in Newcastle,
My name is Filip, I'm 27 years old, and I'm polish. I sail since I was 2 years old, because sailing is family tradition. I sailed optimist, and other dinghies boat, which help me understand what is going on the water. Since 3 years I'm sailing on bigger bots in match racing and in offshore regattas. But there is still a lot for me to learn, explore, achieve. That's why I think this cruise is perfect step in my sailing development . I'm adapt easily to new situations, places people, During last year I was Optimist Coach, Skipper in events for Russian Clients in Croatia, Turkey, Jib trimmer in professional team (until sponsor resign) and know I'm preparing my Ice-boat fleet to winter season. But sailing is always on first place, an opportunities like this is what I need.
If interested contact me: thecouchsurfer@gmail.com
Replied via email.
10-30-2013, 05:12 AM
Join Date: Oct 2013
Home Port: Vancouver
Posts: 3
Are you in need of crew during November ?
10-30-2013, 07:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Originally Posted by Twinotter
No, not specifically.
11-02-2013, 12:45 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Home Port: Bundarra, NSW
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Hi Del,
Just to confirm what we discussed in Newcastle a couple of weeks ago, please consider me as an emergency replacement for the Newcastle-Lyttleton leg. I still haven't been able to locate my crane barge guy and if he doesn't show up by mid-December I'll be getting NSW Maritime to do an early inspection with a view to joining you for the trip across the Tasman.
Most of the necessary tasks - other than the engine - should be completed by the end of this week actually.
"The cure for anything is salt water... sweat, tears, or the sea" -- Isak Dinesen
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11-02-2013, 05:12 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Noted. I already have Pete Winning down as an emergency as well if he's available, as well as 1 of 2 couples who have said yes but probably mean maybe. So it will either be you + me + 1 couple or you + me + Pete or me + Pete + 1 couple depending on availability.
11-03-2013, 12:22 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Home Port: Bundarra, NSW
Vessel Name: None
Posts: 1,556
Option 2 would be cool.
"The cure for anything is salt water... sweat, tears, or the sea" -- Isak Dinesen
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11-12-2013, 11:41 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Home Port: Bundarra, NSW
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I'm in! Crane barge guy has remained elusive, the mate who is minding my engine doesn't care if it stays in his garage a bit longer and the NSW Maritime inspection just happened this morning. The BSO said it looked "much better" and that he'd have no problem signing it off.
Please let me know of any requirements and which day you'd like me to arrive in Newcastle. I'll be leaving the van in Sydney and catching a train to Wickham station. Will be bringing two soft bags with me. One will have three changes of clothes, a towel and some toiletries, and my laptop. The other is a backpack and will contain various basic tools and knick-knacks and a small gas stove.
I plan to catch a bus from Chch to Picton, hop the ferry and then bus through the north island to Auckland, from where I'll depart back to Sydney. That way I get to see the house I bought and do some basic maintenance on it for a week or so. Maybe even mow the lawn, which must be like a jungle by now.
Passport details can be forwarded if you need these for the forms before we depart.
Woo-hoo! Excited!
"The cure for anything is salt water... sweat, tears, or the sea" -- Isak Dinesen
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11-19-2013, 10:34 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Home Port: Bundarra, NSW
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Got curious about Pete so I SMSed him today. He's unfortunately out, which means there's still a position to be filled. Hope that remaining couple still considering the trip confirm soon.
Anyone wanna go to NZ?
"The cure for anything is salt water... sweat, tears, or the sea" -- Isak Dinesen
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01-16-2014, 11:30 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 2
Very Interested in Roarin' 40s...
I am very interested if you're still looking for crew. The "roarin' forties" sound like a challenge I'd be up for.
I have 3 months blue water sailing in the Indian Ocean and some coastal sailing. I can cook, stay awake during my watches and can find my way around a boat.
I'm available Feb through mid-May this year.
Please let me know if you are still looking for crew the the NZ-F.Polynesia part of your trip. My email is: bowline*AT*nucleus.com.
I look forward to hearing from you,
06-15-2014, 02:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Hi all,
I'm now looking for crew again for any one or more of the following passages this year (2014):
* Samoa to Fiji, departing August.
* Fiji to Vanuatu, departing late September or early October.
Dates are flexible. I want to be in Vanuatu no later than the 1st November, but I can actually fit in with crew dates around that. Let me know directly, via PM, or del@babel.com.au if you're interested.
08-05-2014, 07:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
Just one more heads up.
I am now looking for crew, departing Samoa towards the end of August or early September (2014) and heading for Vanuatu. We may stop in Tonga -- Niuatoputapu and/or Vavau group, depending on weather. Due to the dengue fever outbreak in Fiji and that I've already had dengue fever and don't want it again (it's worse the second time), we will not be stopping in Fiji.
Dates are flexible. If you're ready and able to depart Samoa in late August or early September I can be flexible as to what date we leave, depending of course on weather windows.
Final destination will be Port Vila, Vanuatu. The boat will not be continuing past Vanuatu this cruising season.
08-06-2014, 12:55 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
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The good news is, medical researchers predict a viable vaccine against dengue will be available by 2016. The virus is spreading and it is expected that between 100,000 and 200,000 cases will be detected in Thailand this year alone. So far this year Fiji has recorded over 10,000 cases and incidences have been reportedly increasing in all Pacific countries including Vanuatu.
There are four strains of the disease and having one, does not provide immunity against the other three. In Thailand, I have contracted dengue twice. It is the only time in my life where I remember hoping I would die in my sleep.
Take care Del. I am sure you know the routine, but for those who do not: Wear enclosed shoes, socks, long trousers, a long sleeved shirt. Be particularly careful around dawn and dusk. The major carrier (Aedes aegypti mozzie) is more active close to the ground. Wear a good DEET based repellent.
There is no cure for dengue, but the death rate is relatively low. In undeveloped regions it is between 1% and 5%. Where treatment is available, it is less than 1%.
It is mightily unpleasant and is called 'breakbone fever' for a good reason. The mosquito, according to WHO, is the world's most dangerous creature. Bites account directly for more than 1,000,000 deaths per year. Worldwide, one child dies from malaria every 30 seconds.
" if at first you don't succeed....Redefine success"!
08-10-2014, 04:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Home Port: Langport
Posts: 2
Hiya I would be really interested in joining you if you happen to be in/around Fiji in September at any point!
08-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 700
I am not going to Fiji, sorry
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