Hi Robin,
Cheer up!

This forum gets a lot of activity. As of 1:38 am, May 31st. Mountain Daylight Savings Time, your post was viewed 62 times.
A lot of time and effort is given freely by at least 8 people, attempting to keep this board operating smoothly 24 hours a day, everyday. Our collective goal is providing a useful resource to those interested in cruising and sailing; a valuable service, free of charge.
Even the moderators, correct each other, attempting to make the board better. For example, recently I posted a topic "Refrigeration" in the Sailing and Cruising Forum and it was moved by another moderator to here in the Poop Deck Forum, as it was a more appropriate forum for the topic. That did not bother me in the least. After I noticed the posted was moved, I realized my mistake.
About your topic:
I also have a CDL, and lived most of my life in winter, snow and ice. I would rather deal with predicable snow and ice, than other bad unpredictable drivers, or zero visibility (no reference point), any day. With a CDL, you should be able to get a job anywhere, including the non or low snow areas. But than cruising does sound like much more fun. That could be a career option. A few months ago I was in contact with a sailing school in Mexico and they were begging for help. I told the guy I lacked the required certification. His response was, "We'll get you certified, if you are willing to work for us". I declined as I had other plans and commitments.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.