Hello watersprites
You received the following message from: janet-coolman (janet_coolman@mail2janet.com)
Dear Sir/Madam
I am Mrs. Janet Coolman, we have 6 ships to crew, Country of Origin is United Kingdom Company but registered in Ghana,the name of the owner of the company is Dr, David Wilson. We are looking for crews who will work with our company. It is the company that will pay for your ticket and send you your traveling document to come over for your post after acceptance of your application .
Send your C.V along with your application to the company address.
Below are vacancies available -
The basic salary are as below in British Pounds Sterling
1. Captain...................... £7,000
2. Chiefmate................... £6,200
3. Chief engineer.............. £6,500
4. Second engineer.............. £5,000
5. Carpenters................... £5,000
6. Chief cook................... £4,600
7. Steward...................... £4,300
8. Nurses....................... £5,200
9. Medical officers............ £5,200
10.Casual workers............ £3,000
11 Accountant.................. £6,500
12 Account clerk............... £4,500
13 Electricial Engineer......... £4,500
14 plumbing work............. £4,500
15 Welding work ............. £4,520
16 Painting work.............. £4,500
17 media Officer .............. £5,000
18 Linguistic officer........... £5,000
19 Water Divers................ £6,000
20 Fishing Crew Members £5,000
21 Geographers................. £5,000
22 Photographers .............. £4,700
23 Computer Analyst......... £5,000
24 Musician ... £3,000
25 Designing Engineer........ £5,200
26 Power Delivery Engineer...... £5,200
27 Construction Manager... £5,200
28 Equipment Operator....... £5,200
29 Mechanical Inspector......... £5,700
30 Safety Professional.......... £5,100
31 Chemical Technician.......... .£5,100
32 Industrial Technologist .... .£5,100
33 Infrastructure Project Officers.....£5,700
34 Nuclear Analist..... £5,700
35 Pharmacist ............................£5,800
36 Concrete commercial worker........... £5,800
37 Security Guards...............................£3,800
38 Skipper......................................£4,80 0
39 cook.........................................£3.80 0
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Janet Coolman