Back in the 80s we had something a lot like this take was called Zero Tolerance targeted at drug smugglers. The result was excessive use of the law by the Coast Guard to randomly board any vessel at anytime and perform a drug & safety search of the vessel.
I was boarded 2 times in just one year. Both times during a simple day sail with guests on board. The result was a boarding that lasted nearly an hour as 18 year old kids with guns went through our boat and ruined the entire day for our guests. After finding no drugs on board, they went out of their way to find any and all Coast Guard safety violations. In both cases, I was sighted. The first time for not having a trash disposal plan written and posted and the second time for not having my seacocks to my heads closed. When I refused to pay the fines, the Coast Guard sent a collection agency after me nearly 4 years later!
Another zero tolerance case abuse also occurred that year in which some harbor patrol individuals boarded a 46 ft sailboat in LA harbor and reportedly found some small amount of pot on board. They confiscated the vessel from the owners, sailed it down to Mexico and used it for nearly a year as their own private pleasure yacht. The owners eventually got their vessel back after years of legal fights and court cases…but by then, the boat was trashed.