Hi Folks,
a small update on how goes the plans and such towards letting go of dock lines for a while (permanent most likely not, but who knows). have made some good contacts for getting time on some boats again for myself and taster time for the wife so that she can get an idea of what it is like out there and be able to get that experience without me on the boat (I can be intimidating, even when I am trying very hard not to be). So that part is moving forward.
Health wise, I am walking without a cane lately and starting to get more movement and exercise, so hopefully will start rebuilding my strength back up to where i can handle myself fully and properly on a boat again. The kids are extremely interested in getting back on boats as they see them as a floating play ground with simple rules (for some reason my kids have no problem with wearing a PFD, more than a few other parents wonder how we get them to do so without a fight).
On the funds front things are moving and we will see how that road goes. So wish us well and fair winds to all who are out there. By the way Stephen beautiful boat, hopefully if we sail your direction sometime in the future or you ours we could get a chance to meet.
What you see in the Universe, sees you.