Originally Posted by twomt
i always wonder about all this; the hubub is amazing and these kids are given 15 min of fame. but its hardly new or heroic because theres been kids round the world before and will be again when all this is forgot. is any one of the illusion of age when we speak of our history? there where ships captains of 12 and thirteen sailing all over the place. what a sad bunch we modern folks are to need this sort of thing and call it adventure. just goes to prove its time to head for new seas between stars.
Oh, given the actions of certain nations lately. and the current health issues arising in the world these days. I don't think it will be a problem for much longer. The young who hate the parents who gave them neither discipline or love (funny how those go together) combined with a increasing tendency towards violence not only in the developing world but also the First world as well (see earlier statement) tends to point towards a world war most likely and wide scale unrest as power structures are shaken and reshaped. Though given the huge amount of out right apathy and unwillingness for self responsibility and real community interaction. I don't hold high hopes for large section of modern society.
Might be one of the reasons to go sailing you might say. Not that it will keep the not so good stuff from following (given increases in diverse forms of crime globally).
apologies for getting way off topic