Forum Updates - Please Read.
We are very excited to let you know about some impending forum changes - perhaps as early as Tuesday or Wednesday next week. For some time the site team has been concerned that the board may not be meeting member needs as fully as it can. To help address this the forum is going to be moved to a new software platform (vBulletin) and get a bit of a facelift visually. vBulletin is a robust software platform and functions as a frame work that additional modules can be added to. Once the import is complete we can explore adding new features. Some of these might include a proper classifieds section, a mapping plugin, a links gallery, news feed of sailing related content and other items.
This migration process is a little quirky and initially we may see some glitches. As they are reported and identified, we will work to address them. We will also archive a copy of the old board as a reference but don't anticipate any data loss. The gallery images will be moved to the new platform as well. The forum may be offline for a few hours during the conversion but then you will be able to log in as usual. As we move through this transition, please let us know if you have questions or concerns and we'll work to address them.
Here's a screen shot of the new brighter look (still a work in progress)
 : Homepage