Originally Posted by jenain
This is not from the official link, but it is a verbatim extract from a BIOT email, which we recieved with our 2011 mooring permit, with the "new rules". No changes to the penalties, but you are now only allowed to catch 3 days worth of fish, whatever that means!
Hello Bill,
Your post prompted me to speak to the BIOT Administrator in London. She advised that the amendments to the rules etc,, etc,, will be updated in their website before the weekend (18th/19 Dec) I came away with the feeling that officialdom has no idea of the make up of the average cruiser who visits Chagos. I believe the provision regarding the date when the permit becomes active will have to be made more flexible - I can relate many instances where
sailboats have had great difficulty in making the final 270nm passage between the Addu Atol (Gan-Maldives) and Salomon - Chagos because of the wind,current and the desire to conserve diesel for their stay in Chagos (Tacking added some 130nm)
BTW the fish question was answered :-
"Fish caught must be for personal consumption, and be consumed within 3 days"
(Not sure what one does if you catch a 50lb Tuna and there is only 2 persons on the boat - forgot about the cat!)