Originally Posted by beej67
I was directed here by someone on the Sailnet.com forums. This seems like a pretty knowledgable place on first inspection.
Go easy on me, it's my first post. 
Hello BJ,
Welcome to Cruiser Log ! Well done Sailnet!
About 100 miles south east of Bangkok is another world - the first stop would be the Royal Varuna Yacht Club just south of Pattaya Bay here is a link to the club :-
Then about 4 miles south of the RVYC is the Ocean Marina :-
From a sailing point of view the Western Gulf has many small islands with anchorages.
Buying a boat is easy - ever since the Government removed all import taxes on boats.
The best place to purchase would be in Phuket or Langkawi Malaysia (just south of Thailand's southern border) although there may also be opportunities to buy in the Gulf.
Lee Marine
Simpson Marine
Also BJ if you go back to this topic in the sub forum - we have review of a really first class
Sea Pilot which gives a lot of information about the Gulf of Thailand (Gulf of Siam) SEE
Andaman Sea Pilot in it you will find their website - if you wish to order a copy here is their website, or in fact here is the online guide :