Hi All,
Is anyone in SE Asia/Pacific getting weather charts/forecasts/Sat Pics from WorldSpace Radio? Around Christmas 2006 a lot of the charts I was using stopped,

so early this year I contacted the RANET guy, and he said he would get them put back on.

A week ago I received an email stating that the charts should be now available, and have been for sometime. The trouble is I am now in Turkey and do not receive the Asia Satelite so I cannot check.

One of the charts was the 10m Wind chart that you can see at the BOM site in Oz.
Another was MSLP/900hpaVA,
The Cyclone Tracking Maps also stopped. So if you are using WorldSpace for weather info could you let me know if you are getting either of these charts.
I did not even know that you could get wind charts on worldspace - I sent mine to my son in Africa - because all I could get was music and some news here in S.E. ASIA.
Hope someone has more current info. In the meantime I will email yachtie friends in Malaysia who still have Worldspace.
Try asking this lot :-
XM Sat radio do provide charts :-
I guess you already have the web site for Turkish waters , if not :-
If you can't get WX from Worldspace - can you use your HF Radio to get Grib Files ?
HI Richard,
Yeah, not many people know about the data that is available. Not only wind charts, but forecasts from Thailand, Singapore, China, Japan and Australia etc. Besides the weather there is a tonne of information about health and agriculture in remote areas, really amazing stuff. Here I receive weather info from African countries, Sat photos of Indian and Pacific Oceans and Cyclone Tracking Maps. While in Asia this extra weather info, coupled with Gribs etc made life easy.
The RANET gentleman that I have been talking to is in Australia and is outside the sat foot print. I was providing feedback to him about actual reception probs, so would like to hear from someone who is getting this data.
Hi Stephen,
Cruising friend went to the Singapore World Space Office yesterday and spoke to the controller of the Linkage dept. At this time they are experimenting with data transmission to carry graphics - Unfortunately you are out of luck World Space Radio's Asia footprint provides only music and some news channels at this time . No weather.
Check :-
Hi Richard,
WorldSpace do not provide the weather data etc. It is delivered on the First Voice International(FVI) Data Channel via the WorldSpace Sat, at the moment this is open to anyone. The weather data is part of RANET. A receiver with a USB or other data output that can connect to a computer is required. I have the little Tongshi and it comes with the required software. Run the WorldSpace Client Services program and tune to the FVI channel. Data will be received and stored in the Worldspace folder in a sub folder called content, and further sub folders. I find the easiest way to view is to locate the HTML index files, open them and then just navigate as if you are on the internet.
Here the FVI data arrives via the African Learning Channel(ALC), but with different RANET data. This probably sounds complicated but it is not. If anyone wants more info or help please contact me and I will be happy to be of assistance.
Hi Richard,
It has been a month, have you had any response/feedback from your friend?
Christmas must be close as there is snow on the mountain near the marina here now, looking forward to a winter after years in the tropics.
At Last discussion ,
He got the Singapore agents (where he bought the latest set) to come out to the boat and install it etc .
No ways can he get data down loads to get WX. Loves the news and music.
Send me a PW with your Email address and I will put the 2 of you together, how'szatt ??
Thanks Richard, PM sent.