03-24-2007, 07:16 PM
Retired Mod
Join Date: Mar 2007
Home Port: Durban
Posts: 2,984
To start this off I have moved this post here from the old boards.
__________________________________________________ ______
Hi all!
I am the "Admiral" in charge of the "Board Captain".
Indian Ocean
Our boat:
44' Steel ketch. Built & designed by Barens Shipyard in Durban, South Africa. We have a website http://www.cruiser.co.za/seerose/ which gives all the details of the yacht as well as describes our 5 year cruising passage from Durban, South Africa to SE Asia via Mozambique, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya and across the Indian Ocean to Thailand and Malaysia.
We sold our "floating home" a couple of years ago - a decision we regretted but, we have now retired gracefully to our home on the SA East coast.
It is good to be the first member of the "CLUB".
Fair winds

Seerose at anchor at Linga-Linga, Inhambane, Mozambique.
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