Originally Posted by delatbabel
You live aboard in Alaska? Through the winter? How do you manage heating and the like?
Disclaimer: This question comes from someone who lives in a city where it has never snowed, and even that I find too cold.
We stay on our boat year around in the water. We started our heating the boat with a Dickensen stove but it was inefficient and actually dangerous if you were to ever leave the boat unattended. We settled on the Monitor heater and found it to safely keep the boat warm and pleasant year around and reduced the cost of fuel by 50%.
You just gotta love rain if you live here year around. It rains about as often here as in Seattle but the 'drops' appear to be a whole lot larger. Snow here in Ketchikan is generally fairly light and not too frequent (there have been notable exceptions to this).
It should be noted that we lived in Polk Inlet on the east side of Prince of Wales Island for several years and experience massive snowfall during the winter together with being iced in for long periods of time. We were the only residents in this area. There we had no access to town during the Winters and lived off fishing, shrimping, crab and stored food. A bit inconvenient but an awesomely beautiful place worth the trouble. buzzard