Been lurking here long enough - time to contribute something.
We sail a 20+ yo Roberts Maurtius Ketch, Hinewai (A Maori name meaning "Daughter of the Water") that we bought in Queensland, Australia, some 7 years back. Finally headed off from our home port of Melbourne (Oz, not Florida) last year but managed to have an unplanned stop in Darwin while Peter recovered from breaking 5 ribs having collected a small alluminium cat in the dinghy while going
TO the bar of the Darwin Sailing Club.
Have now reached our first foreign port - sitting here in the Bali Marina, Indonesia - a glass of Bintang close by.
Will be spending the next few weeks playing around Bali & Lombok, then up to Kalimatan, and on to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand for Xmas. Then on to Europe in 2009.
Looking forward to enjoying Cruiserlog, as both readers and contributors.
Jean & Peter
SV Hinewai