Hey Everyone!
We are in the market for a yacht around the 28-30' range. I grew up on yachts and since have let 10 years go by since last stepping aboard. Wife, two girls (11 and 6)and a mortgage...
. Cant wait till I find the right yacht for us as I want to pass on the love of sailing to my daughters. Longer term dream is to explore the pacific. This site is excellent! Lots of interesting stories, tips and advice to build up knowledge. If anyone happens to venture to the Tamar River in Northern Tasmania, then stop in and say G'day at Gravelly Beach. We are on the river front and will gladly through in a hot shower! Tamar river has 80 kms of navigatable waterway from George Town at the river mouth to Launceston city at the convergence of two smaller rivers.
keep the tips and advice flowing guys. There are people out there like me who soak it up like a sponge!