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Old 11-05-2013, 05:52 AM   #1
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Default Half Share in Private Yacht

Hi all my name is Nick and I am looking at buying a boat, I have been in the market for the past 18 months and have just not been able to come up with anything in Australia. For 40k they are all about 30 to 40 years old and falling apart, I have looked at thailand and in Europe as well , the place where the well priced boats are in the Caribbean and have found an excellent 34 footer. I am looking at going halves with someone either as an investor or someone that would like more usage of a boat. Myself I would only be using it lightly during the winter months on the far north coast

I would be very keen for someone from somewhere else in Queensland to part share/own this boat , Gladstone or Brisbane it doesn't matter, so they could use the boat over the summer months of December - June where it is nicer to sail during that time of the year in that part of the state, and of course avoids the cyclonic months of the far north, if anyone is interested please respond to this post or either email me after we have conversed a little for photos and a pdf of the boat and the sell process etc

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Old 11-05-2013, 07:47 AM   #2
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Just checked eBay and I can see a Hartley RORC 32'er starting at $1275 and a Lexcen 32'er at $7k which seems to put paid to your statement about what's available for $40k. Neither is perfect, but they are both respectable and full featured and would be great value at any price under $10k. You'll certainly keep a lot of change out of that budget and won't have the hassles of shared ownership.

If you're serious about boating then the experience of doing one up will be valuable for later on when (not if) emergency repairs are needed.

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Old 11-05-2013, 09:48 AM   #3
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thanks for the reply haiqu, I am certainly looking for something newer than those , but I don't have the time to be working on wrecks , and I don't view shared ownership a hassle because I won't be using it for 6 months of the year, so I would like to get something a lot nicer and newer with less maintenance
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Old 11-05-2013, 10:55 PM   #4
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Perhaps if you described the type of yacht you're after we could be more helpful. I certainly don't regard either of those as wrecks, and in fact the Lexcen is particularly nice for the asking price. You won't be getting much under 20 years old for $40k anyhow, which is why older boats in reasonable condition are such a bargain. Anything newer has had to be built to a price budget and corners are cut in manufacturing through financial necessity. Regular maintenance comes with boat ownership unfortunately, and avoiding it while the boat is newer is the reason so many fine yachts are now worth so little.

Having gone into partnership in several enterprises, I can assure you that such arrangements are almost always troublesome. You might be fortunate enought to find someone whose idea of a perfect boat matches yours (and has the money to buy it), but can you guarantee they will keep it in good condition or pay their half of the bills on time? Or that they won't suddenly want to get married and demand you buy their half out at the original price?

Anyhow, maybe a link to the dream boat will start us off in the right direction.
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Old 11-05-2013, 11:25 PM   #5
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it is a Beneteau oceanis 343 34 footer, 8 years old, and the partnership would not be a handshake but a legal document that is drawn up correctly.
Its not too hard there was a guy that was perfect fly in and out of Brisbane and would have it moored in Mackaay for his 6 months but he has pulled out and wants something bigger, and would have been the same as me.... light usage
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Old 11-05-2013, 11:33 PM   #6
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Nina Rose? Nice yacht indeed. The guy on the swing mooring next to me has one of these and is considering selling it, although I believe he'll want more than US$58k for it. :-)

Then again the delivery trip will be cheaper and no GST applies. I can SMS him for a price if you like.
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Old 11-06-2013, 12:03 AM   #7
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Sounds nice but is out of the price range , hence a partnership, , well anyway how old is it? and what does she look like...?
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Old 11-06-2013, 11:58 AM   #8
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I'll take a photo tomorrow and post it. The owner uses it rarely nowadays, maybe every second Friday evening for the Balmain Sailing Club races. He's done the lot, Sydney to Hobart several times (not in the Benetau) and sees himself as getting past it. I believe he had an offer from someone in the club, which is why he's thinking of selling.

I sent an SMS but no reply, if all else fails I'll probably see him on the weekend. No idea of the age of the yacht, but are there any old ones? Anyhow he's not exactly in a hurry to sell so it will give you time to find a partner.
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Old 11-06-2013, 08:16 PM   #9
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Yea thanks very much,
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Old 11-07-2013, 03:25 AM   #10
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Here's a pic taken from my yacht:
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 11-07-2013, 03:53 AM   #11
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Yup , looks like a 343, nice yea? I would be happy if he accepted my offer 41K AUD
but probably not, thanks though for the contact , still looking for a halves partner...
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Old 11-07-2013, 02:23 PM   #12
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Also at rear, right is a Benetau 21.7 "First". They're everywhere here, but then I'm surrounded by $6M houses. I'd love one naturally but the Hartley will do for now.

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