well good on you i say. seen the light!
you can google 'hitchichers guide to the oceans and cruising'. and there are more books like that available that youll find online to checkout.
And i rekon a really nice way to show your resourcefulness (which every captain looks for in crew/quailfied or NOT) is to advertise your help/services to cruisers when they come into syd. The big city after the tranquillity of being at sea is a big thing to navigate at the end of a passage for even the 'biggest apples'. So you could post your details and a breif outline on what you can do for them, ie; city navigator, and if you have a car, the benifits to cruisers is immense; as it's beut to get inland tiki touring for a few hours with good company.
The more you 'hang-around' the mariners where cruisers are,the more of them you will meet face to smiley face.
You may be thinking 'yeh, but coffee,and petrol costs. not to mention precious time'. yes it does. but a good/kind name with cruisers is priceless. we/they all talk, and if you delight people(especially cruisers)they tell all, and you will meet many people..and inturn have more possibilities for cruising. i think all would benefit.(?)