Well, I'm back. after two years of part time refitting in a terrible place to refit, the boat is again habitable. We put the house on the market, and moved onto the boat a month ago. We're finishing up a lot of little remaining on-board projects, getting ready to go sailing. We had no clue how much work this boat needed when we bought it, but now I doubt there's a square foot of the inside of it that I haven't physically been in contact with. It's starting to feel like home. We have a gypsy life planned for the foreseeable future. 8 months a year sailing around the Caribbean area, and 4 months of hurricane season in a travel trailer in the Rockies. We just finished the first four month in a trailer ( Caravan) stint. Looking at the Bahamas for next month, hopefully. Meantime, living on board in a marina with a steady stream of cruisers going through. Three boats and us in at the moment.