Hello everyone!
I'm writing to introduce myself and let you know about the journey I hope to embark on in the coming months. Your thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated!
I've spent the last couple weeks reasearching sailing schools in the Bay area and visited a couple to checkout their fleets. My goal is to be able to sail alone or with crew on just about any sail boat anywhere in the world by the end of August. I'm currently living in San Francisco, and I've heard that if I learn to sail in the bay waters, I should be able to handle just about anything.
So, I've found a couple schools that offer Basic Keelboat to Advanced Coastal Crusing courses that I can take on weekends. The costs for the full gamit of courses is going to be around $3-5 K. I've narrowed my decision to these two schools ..
http://www.spinnaker-sailing.com/ and
I'm a consultant and work mostly online, but my current contract requires me to be on-site in the city and I can only get free on the weekends to learn. I do have one week I can take off between now and the end of August. Once this contract ends though, I'm hoping to not need to take on-site work anytime soon so I can travel the world. While I'm sailing, I would LOVE to be able to disconnect, but I'm going to need internet access on-board.
Ok, so a couple questions for ya ..
Sould I consider going to courses somewhere else? or do you guys agree that these schools are the best fit for my schedule?
Where is the best place to sail in September?
Internet access on-board? Is it feasible and how expensive is it really?
Hope you all had a great weekend and I'll see ya around the forum! and on the water soon