The following is a to-do list. I'll attempt to work this off over time. Comments are welcome.
Add section describing marine SSB v. ham radio
Add list of type-certified marine SSB radios
Replace photo with photos of marine SSB radios from multiple manufacturers
Add very brief, human-readable description of modulation types w/ description of why sailors care
Add section on interference from and with other boat systems
Describe type-certification -- get help describing issues with US, UK, AU, NZ, EU requirements
Add section on licensing -- make this international also
Add section on ham radio and how it is different
Check referenced radio e-mail page and deconflict subject and content
Update and populate matrix of nets (note to self - pull from auspicious bills; talk to
Update criteria (include tuner issues, T/R timing, ham v. marine)
sail fast, dave
S/V Auspicious