Boatyard life.
I have been on the boat, in the workyard in Mexico, for three weeks. I have had a good run of things as I prepare the vessel for sailing. There is a distinct shortage of chandleries here, but that can be overcome. My boat is in the work yard, which is adjacent to the long term storage yard.
Boats move in:Boats move out. Many US sailors are preparing their boats for a season on the hardstand. So they have their boats hauled out, they come to the workyard for a few days as they tidy up, then the boats are put into storage.
I've met some really nice people.
But today, a couple arrived next to me with a barking dog and country music....and a set of quite impressive cockpit speakers. They turned the music on, then took their dog for a walk. I guess they thought I would like the music.
Just to really impress me, they also turned off my water, attached their hose and left my hose on the ground.
They just came over and knocked on my hull. They have been drinking in the cockpit and forgot to close their boat up. The mozzies have discovered their saloon. They wonder if I can spare some insect spray.
" if at first you don't succeed....Redefine success"!