Originally Posted by lewsea
Hi all.
I raised this topic a few month ago about modifying the rudder on my Roberts Mauritious. I have just completed the modification and for those who are interested the job took about a week not counting paint and I am pleased to anounce it was a total success. The performance and steering characteristics improvement is quite amaizing.
The job involved making a new rudder and rudder tube, seals and bearings.
Anyone who's interested I''ll pass on any info email- lewhoneAThotmail.com (the AT is @)
Hi Lewsea
it looks like you did a splendid job on that rudder. My BR has a very similar hull and doing the mod is
something I've looked at as well, but do not really know if it is worth all the effort time wise. The mod would
mean quite a bit of lazarette modification and one thing tends to lead to another. It's that slippery slope law
that bites you in the tush. Besides, many boatyards do not let you do your own below waterline work. ( why
would you want to pull a boat out of the water in the first place, huh? Duh! )
Could you mail me the jpgs plus others so I can see some more detail? The thumbnails don't seem to blow up
for me on my machine/software, but I did not yet try very much. I have a grp hull but suspect that
yours is welded?
Saw an Oz article on a similar steel-hull mod once. The bloke did it himself with a few days
work and a buddy helper. Of course, in Oz I hear sailors come born with a welder attached to their
umbilical cord and also with a basic supply of baling wire to fix pretty much anything. The owner claimed improved
steering and the cost was really minimal. In my case, it's not steering but the limited space makes a
a folding prop almost impossible. Plus, I do think prop efficiency and reduced turbulence might
be a benefit as well.
Like you I'm also at notmail, but under teknetcal at notmail, to twist a word a bit.