Hi All,
Here is an excellent tutorial on how to set up the FREE WINMOR (RMS Express) computer sound card software to send and receive email and all kinds of attachments via the Ham Winlink 2000 radio email system.
Yes, FREE....
You also need the free dot net 3.5 platform, as well as the free VOACAP ITSHF propagation prediction software.
All explained in the setup notes and from the software intstallation process.
All you need is a Windows laptop with sound card and your boat Ham or Marine HF SSB radio.
Also a very inexpensive computer to radio interface box.
This could be a Signalink USB ($100), or a home brew device.
Point an external laptop microphone at the radio's speaker.
Point the radio's microphone at the laptop's speaker.
Turn the radio's VOX on and set the delay to minimum.
Keep the environmental audio noise low.
Remember all transmissions must be on Upper Side Band (USB.)
All emails via Winlink 2000 must have the //WL2K key in the Subject line.
This is a spambot counter measure.
kc9sgv AT gmail dott com