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Old 02-14-2008, 08:42 AM   #1
Footprints's Avatar
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Posts: 27

Hi everyone,

I am hoping that someone, somewhere can help us with this.

Our boat is fitted out with the Raymarine ST80 system. Everything from the Autohelm and wind instruments to the auto pilot. The good part about this is that even after 8 years it is all still working fine, that is, with the exception of the control unit itself, The ST80 Masterview!

This one bit of kit is responsible for being the only thing that can change things like the sounding and anchor alarms along with being able to display all of the available data on one handy little LCD screen.

We have scoured the net to no avail looking for a replacement, but since it is an older, discontinued item there seems to be none around. We have contacted Raymarine who said that they would do us a deal on replacing the system, but it seems insane replacing 6 working items with a brand new system which will cost $1000's for the sake of one dead unit.


Does anyone know of where an "Autohelm ST80 Masterview" can be found (not attached to a vessel) that is for sale. If not, can someone maybe point us in the direction of someone that might know of one.

We are not desperate but are getting close to it.

The only other option is to get the "Aussie" weather station, which consists of a piece of string stappled to a bit of wood with the attached instructions:

If string is wet -------- It is raining

If string is casting a shadow -------- It is sunny

If string is moving ------- It is windy

If string is missing ------- Someone has stolen it!

Leaving Footprints.... Taking Memories

"Man cannot discover new oceans until he has the courage to loose sight of the shore"
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Old 02-14-2008, 09:23 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Hi Folks,

Are you still in Cairns ??

I have a friend who goes into Singapore once a week , I will ask him to call into Radio Marine Systems who look after Raymarine clobber - Also will talk with 2nd hand Paul in Langkawi .

I will also put out a call on the S.E.A. Net to cruising yachts to see if we can locate etc..

Question :- could the unit be repaired ?


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Old 02-14-2008, 10:21 AM   #3
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Hi Richard,

Not in Cairns just yet, although our boat is. We are just in the final throws of our discharge from the Navy over in Perth.

We did discuss the option of repair with Raymarine however due to the fault, which is the LCD screen loosing graphic lines, it was unlikely that they would be able to fix it (hence the offer of "deal" to replace the entire system). I do know that on these units that the LCD screen is hard wired to the electronic board and cannot be replaced seperatly, which is something they changed in the later models. We have also looked at the later models (ST60's) but these dont give the same functionality as the ST80.

Any help that you can give us would be great and we are more that happy to reimburse the costs associated with getting another unit.

Thanks again Richard.

Mel and Damien

SV Fortuna
Leaving Footprints.... Taking Memories

"Man cannot discover new oceans until he has the courage to loose sight of the shore"
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Old 06-16-2011, 03:24 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hi Mel and Damien,

Did you ever find a solution to repairing your ST80 Masterview?

I'm in a similar situation with a Masterview that has what appears to be a failed LCD screen. No replacement parts now available for these instruments hence the whole system appears now jeopardised.

Anyone out there with a Masterview they wish to part with?



Originally Posted by Footprints View Post

Hi Richard,

Not in Cairns just yet, although our boat is. We are just in the final throws of our discharge from the Navy over in Perth.

We did discuss the option of repair with Raymarine however due to the fault, which is the LCD screen loosing graphic lines, it was unlikely that they would be able to fix it (hence the offer of "deal" to replace the entire system). I do know that on these units that the LCD screen is hard wired to the electronic board and cannot be replaced seperatly, which is something they changed in the later models. We have also looked at the later models (ST60's) but these dont give the same functionality as the ST80.

Any help that you can give us would be great and we are more that happy to reimburse the costs associated with getting another unit.

Thanks again Richard.

Mel and Damien

SV Fortuna
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Old 07-13-2013, 08:54 PM   #5
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Default ST 80 Masterview repair

I just got two ST 80 MasterViews on auction. Planned to have them as repeater instruments in a Seatalk-network. One was working fine and the other had the issue with missing verticle lines in the graphic screen.

However, the repair was quite straight forward (after some experimenting), at least in my case. The glass display is wired to the PCB through 3 flexible "ribbons" (more like sheets), two at the side and one at the upper edge. They are glued to the glass (and PC to make connection, and age makes this connection random. In my case it was the upper connection that had become loose (and I suspect that is the case for most).

So to do the repair, I unscrew all the screws at the back. Put a thin knife along the edges at the back and bend carefully to push the front cover away. Use a thin knife to to lift the PCB/display out of the bottom cover and disconnect the beeper. Take a plier to straighten the metallic "pegs" that are intentionally bent to secure the display frame. Once the pegs are straightened, you can lift the metallic frame around the glass display.

Now, re-insert the pcb into the bottom cover and connect it to power. Use a credit card and push the upper connection against the glass and try different positions to see if the display changes/improves. If it does, cut small stripes of rubber (the same length as the display is wide) and one stripe being around 1x1mm and push it between the glass connection and the ribbon (into the bend that you can see). Then cut a rubber piece that is around 2x3mm (and same length as display width) and put it there the ribbon is bent, in such a way that both the stripes work together to push the ribbon onto the glass. Then remount the metallic display frame. Start with the bottom, which will be easy (and bend the pegs to secure the frame). Then mount the top of the metallic frame, which will require you to press it hard to the PCB, which will apply pressure on the connections.
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Old 07-14-2013, 08:39 PM   #6
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Thanks! so much for the detailed description of what was wrong in your case and how to fix it!

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