Hi everyone,
I am hoping that someone, somewhere can help us with this.
Our boat is fitted out with the Raymarine ST80 system. Everything from the Autohelm and wind instruments to the auto pilot. The good part about this is that even after 8 years it is all still working fine, that is, with the exception of the control unit itself, The ST80 Masterview!
This one bit of kit is responsible for being the only thing that can change things like the sounding and anchor alarms along with being able to display all of the available data on one handy little LCD screen.
We have scoured the net to no avail looking for a replacement, but since it is an older, discontinued item there seems to be none around. We have contacted Raymarine who said that they would do us a deal on replacing the system, but it seems insane replacing 6 working items with a brand new system which will cost $1000's for the sake of one dead unit.

Does anyone know of where an "Autohelm ST80 Masterview" can be found (not attached to a vessel) that is for sale. If not, can someone maybe point us in the direction of someone that might know of one.
We are not desperate but are getting close to it.
The only other option is to get the "Aussie" weather station, which consists of a piece of string stappled to a bit of wood with the attached instructions:
If string is wet -------- It is raining
If string is casting a shadow -------- It is sunny
If string is moving ------- It is windy
If string is missing ------- Someone has stolen it!