I received a question from the FAQ page, but the people seem to have restricted their incoming email to those addresses they already know. For that reason I'm posting the question and answer here in the hopes that they will see this posting. And anybody who has more information, please feel free to jump in.
Where in the Caribbean can anchor chain be re-galvanized? We know about Puerto La Cruz but also know most work stops almost all of December. In December we will start on our way north to the Virgin Islands, Windwards & Leewards. In June we will go to Spain and that is another possibility.
ANSWER: I don't know of any place in the Caribbean other than VZ. You can't get it done before December? You might post the question on various cruising BBs, such as
December is usually a pretty uncomfortable time to be sailing north. But if you're leaving from Trinidad you are positioned very well for the trip. Just often iffy weather.
I'm surprised that it can't be done in Trinidad, though December is probably a lost cause there as well. If those are not viable options, the only places I could suggest trying would be Guadeloupe or Martinique. Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe used to have good chandleries and supply sources, Martinique is more cosmopolitan. However, so much of their stuff comes from France that this might be a long shot.