future biologist, female, going anywhere in the fall
Hallo everybody
I am a 3rd year biology student in desperate search of new adventure, and in need of rediscovering the reason for the long days spent inside at campus. I am finishing my BSc in early/mid fall, and I am looking for a sailing yacht and skipper that would be interested in taking me along following that. I am looking for an experienced and responsible skipper and crew, that can ensure the best conditions for a trip like this. I have no time limitations and no prefered destinations and routes.
I must admit I have no sailing experience, but I am a quick study, I am used to being on the water and rarely get seasick. Furthermore I am expecting to attend a danish certified proficiency course over the summer, to get a general feel with sailing.
The sea and marine life is the reason I started studying biology in the first place. I have a large general knowledge of the sea and life under the surface. I scuba dive and practice spearfishing in my free time, and I am a reliable cook, great with children and general maintainance. I am smart, and will look for a solution when a problem occurs.
I have always travelled as much as possible, and to me that is all there is. It's all I wanna do, and throughout the years I have travelled many corners of Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Egypt. It is safe to say that encounters with new cultures and people of the world is experiences I treasure dearly, and I am open minded and interested in every aspect of new places and new people.
Though I am excited about new adventure, I do realize that life on a boat isn't just fun and sunbathing on the deck. I know it is hard work and I am more than willing to do my part and contribute in any way I can. I am also well aware that there will be long days similar to the next and that some sort of everyday life aboard a boat will occur, and that evey crew member have their chores and duties. I know that is important for the sail to be a safe and enjoyable journey.
However the journey and experiences aboard a boat is as much an adventure to me, than visiting distant corners of the world. I have always dreamed of one day owning my own boat and sail the world on my own. I am hoping to get a feel of life at sea and learning the skills and dos'n'don'ts connected to that. Crewing on a boat must be the best way to learn - I just have to try it.
So if anybody out there could see any opportunities in bringing me along for a ride, I would be more than happy to hear from you. Though I am a newbie when it comes the art of sailing, I really do feel I can contribute in a lot of ways. If not on deck, then as a cook or maintainance worker or babysitter or personal marine life guide. Please - let me know.
Best regards
Ditte, 25