I'm an enthusiastic but inexperienced Australian woman looking for a crewing postion on a sailing boat from Panama to South America (or anywhere else, actually - the desire for the experience outweighs the destination). I know that now is not the ideal time of year for this passage but I'd still be interested to meet and talk to anyone who is in Panama at the moment.
Nationality: Australian
Gender: Female
Age: around 40
Skills: cooking; languages (Spanish, Portuguese, some Czech but it's a landlocked country...); generally practical at making and doing things, I used to sew for living, I was trained as a jeweller; I can tie a good knot and splice a rope (I hold an Australian riggers licence but it's been a while since I put those skills into practice), I'm strong and fit...
Attributes: cool under pressure, respectful of other people's space, quick learner, good listener, tolerant, positive, resourceful and resiliant...
Political leanings: tending to the left
Interests: reading, writing, photography, conversation, cooking and eating, nature, birds, environmental issues and ecology, social issues, diving...
What I am
NOT: not a party animal, not a big drinker
Current occupation: Travelling the world by bike since mid 2009. See:
www.wishfish.org for photos and stories about the trip, if you are interested.
Experience: I have no major sailing experience but don't get motion sick easily (I used to be an acrobat) and I have a long long held love of the ocean. I'm responsible and mature and happy to put my hand to anything that is needed.
Where and when: I am looking to find a way across the gap from Central America to Sth America in the next few months. I am pretty flexible, at the moment I'm in Panama on Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro.